Individual Review of A Diamond in the Sky by Kieran_B

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WARNING: this review talks openly about spoilers. If you plan on reading this book, I suggest doing so before reading the review.

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Hau Akala Came off of a tough breakup with his High School Sweet heart.

Wally left Hoenn to forget about Brendan.

Hau and Wally met on complete accident after an incident at the battle buffet and the two became good friends almost instantly. However, soon after meeting each other they meet strange people who say they'll call when they're needed.

The two friends are soon caught up in the troubles of love and team Rainbow Rocket. Only they can protect the ones they love from Giovanni and his despicable plans.

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The plot, overall, was a bit all over the place. I noticed a number of holes and inconsistencies, which weakened the quality of the overall story.

The biggest thing that bothered me was that you didn't clarify the ages of the characters. Because you called Sun Hau's "high school sweetheart", I figured that Hau was in college. So, when Hau went to an interview to try to get a job as a teacher, that caught me off guard.

Going off of the last point, I think you should also clarify why Hau isn't going into a Pokémon-based field. This is a smaller point, but Hau in the games talks about how much he loves going on a Pokémon journey. I think mentioning some reason that he's pursuing teaching instead of battling, even if it's only briefly mentioned, would give a sense of thouroughness and make your book seem more well thought out.

I think the paragraph after Hau reads the letter should be more intense. You did mention that he felt betrayed, but that was about it. Showing that sense of betrayal and hurt through his actions would make the scene more natural and intense. Instead of saying that Hau simply placed the letter in the trash, you could say that he angrily crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash. Even mentioning him crying or holding back tears would help. I think you should focus a lot on the intensity of this scene because it is part of the foundation of the plot.

However, I did like how the letter was written. Sun listed the reasons why he was leaving Hau, which gave us information on Hau's character before anything significant had even hapened. I think that part was well done.

Also, Alola Anabel looks pretty different from Hoenn Anabel. And, since she showed up in Alola years before the events of Sun and Moon, it would make sense that she has aged since Wally last saw her. Because of this, when Wally realizes that the strange woman was Anabel, you should mention something about him making that connection despite the changes in her appearance.

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