"The Golden Throne" - by Vespin

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The Golden Throne:

It's been a few months since the events of Pokemon White and Hilbert, now the Hero of Unova, is searching for a place in a world where evil seems to have been eradicated for good. He sets off for the Kanto Region for a much needed break but in a twist of fate, finds himself shipwrecked on an unfamiliar new land. Thousands of miles away from home, Hilbert is whisked away into a rip-roaring adventure that would test his wit, strength and relationships with those close to him. Our hero will be plunged into a world of danger and deceit where he will meet new enemies, a possible love interest - and a deadly new plot that threatens to bring the world into an age of destruction.

Genre: Fanfiction

Rating: PG-13

Ivy (@RiverIvy's) Review:

So, The Golden Throne. A book that I've been looking forward to critiquing for quite some time now – gosh, I remember when this book has just about eight-hundred reads.

The first thing that definitely made this book as great as it is were all the plot twists. They danced and twirled around at every corner, and when they finally do strike, they leave you shocked, breathless, dumb-founded, heart-broken, and madly being driven for more.

All the maddeningly sad betrayals, the shameful secrets under the exterior of seemingly noble characters, the twists and turns and revelations – just...brilliant. Like**SPOILER ALERT SPOLIER ALERT DON'T READ ON IF YOU HAVE'T READ THE BOOK YET SERIOUSLY** Ripley's backstabbing. I just loved the way the author left little hints about it – not exactly very obvious, but not too little obvious so that the readers wouldn't be suspicious. The way it was so amazingly written when Ripley showed her true colors; heartless and selfish and cold, was...was...words can't describe the tumult of emotions I was feeling during this part. And Hilbert's reaction was absolutely realistic (tugged on the heartstrings!) and all the frustration the reader feels as Hilbert is forced to keep her secret and Ripley continues to build up more and more respect and power. It left me dazed, almost driven to tears, breathless, angry, impressed – and a million other feelings. This was probably one of my favorite twists in the entire book.


Another thing I just adored about the book were the back-stories, especially for the villains. I love how they were all sad and bitter, and not the usual cliché oh-boo-hoo-I-lost-my-parents-when-I-was-young-so-I-became-cold-and-angry-and-evil. They were each unique, fresh, and believable. No matter how despicable the villains are, their back-stories always leave you feeling at least some sympathy for them – and, most importantly, it actually makes you relate to the villains, which is a VERY important part of a story. And at the same time, it makes you feel sad for them because they've also been betrayed, they've also been through misery and tears and sadness. You almost go to the point of understanding why they were driven to being wicked and bitter – but at the same time, the author didn't overdo it.

The way the author manages to expertly build up moments of dread. It's done in a way so that it really makes you be able to feel for and relate to the character, so that you almost feel it's happened to you, yourself. For example *Minor spoiler alert – reading on wouldn't do anything too bad and you'll still be able to enjoy the story to its fullest extent. It's something so small, really, but if you'd rather not know, then skip this* when Hilbert drops his bag into the ocean. The feeling of dismay practically flood from you to him as all of his precious belongings are gone – his trainer card, his money, Pokedex, Xtransceiver...

*Spoiler Ends*

It's simply amazing how emotions are able to flow from out of the words, through the screen, and find its way into your heart.

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