4. Captured

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A/N: Thank you for your reads, comments and votes. :)

(I'm not an expert on medical field and on the life of an aristocrat. Please bear with me.)

Love lots!


"Thomas Eakins, please."

"Who are they and what's the relationship with the patient?" Inquired by the receptionist at the hospital lobby while typing on the keyboard.

"Madonna Lopez. A family friend." Responded by the woman.

The hospital employee let her signed on the records book and asked for an identification card.

"M, how is he?" The newly arrived woman asked her friend who was sitting beside the hospital bed.

"Donna... Thanks for visiting. He's thriving, thanks God." Mia replied with a tone of exhaustion. She spent the whole day with her brother and personally took care of his needs.

Her nineteen-year-old young brother, Thomas, has a chronic condition. At the young age of seventeen, he started to suffer from a heart failure. This is a rare case for his age. The doctor said, some people with such condition may need a heart transplant or a ventricular assist device, which, either way is very expensive.

Despite of the unending bills, Mia is still thankful that her brother survived the night when he felt a severe chest pain. Starting from that incident, Thomas was confined at the hospital until the present day for close monitoring.

The bills for the use of the care unit room and medical expert fees are being subsidized by the local government but the operation and medications aren't covered. They still need to save and pay for the future medical procedures of Thomas.

Donna squeezed the shoulder of Mia.

"M, how are you holding up?"

"I'm trying to organize my thoughts and not let my emotions reign over me. I need to be strong for him. I know there will come a time when both of us can enjoy life." Mia breathed out as she stares to her brother.

"I'm just here for you and my offer still stands, M." Donna reassured her.

The innocent-looking woman just nodded in appreciation. She squeezed back the hand of her dear friend while her eyes lingered on Thomas.

"He wanted to be a varsity player to have a chance for scholarship. He told me that I don't need to think about his school fees because for sure he will get into the program." Mia told Donna with a bitter smile.

"He will have that opportunity again. Believe." Donna encouraged.

"I do. I will. That's all I have right now." Mia responded after a while.


"Is he really back?" A beautiful young woman asked while checking her own reflection on a life-size mirror.

"Yes, your highness." A maidservant responded while fixing the attire of the royalty.

The woman smiled widely and went out to greet the man. The moment she knew of Neero's arrival, Tamar didn't waste time and chose a finer attire to welcome the prince.

The royal family gathered at the dining hall for the breakfast. After almost a year, they are all present and will have their first meal together. The four princes were already sitting down on their places when Tamar entered the hall.

The twenty-three-year-old Fourth Prince, Judah, was sitting beside Neero. Gad and Benjie, twins, are the Second and Third Princes at the age of twenty-five.

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