52. The Initial Plan

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Earlier that day at the Shechem Mansion, "Useless!" Duchess Viola threw her wine glass after her assistant told about the failed lock up of the First Prince. While she let out her annoyance, the door of the study opened suddenly and a man strode inside.

"I gave you a bullet but you didn't utilize it effectively. What's happening to you?" The duchess sneered at her nephew. She was clenching her fists as she watched Marcus walk towards her.

"Relax, Auntie. I still have something."

Viola raised her one eyebrow and leaned back on the swivel chair. Is there really more?

"Neero didn't refute the claim about the fake bride on the day of his wedding."

"That means nothing. And by now, maybe they have already solved that miscalculation." Viola responded and drank on a new glass of wine.

"Solving the mistake about the bride's identity? Yes, maybe. Maybe they dealt with it but not the validity of their wedding. My source told me that they didn't file the contract of marriage. The time had already lapsed."

Viola stood up from her seat, looking very interested. "How reliable is your source?"

"A civil-registry kind of man. You know how money talks. And I've already called some of our friends in the media. Tomorrow, we will know more about it." Marcus smirked and went out of the room, leaving a joyful duchess and headed to his quarters to rest.

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Neero kissed Mia, hugging her body closer to him. His hands lavishly wandered around her not minding their surroundings. Zinnia and the others gave the couple some privacy by turning their backs, pretending to do something.

Mia embarrassingly ended the kiss. "That's enough. For now." She patted her husband's chest, smiling at his furrowed brows.

Neero was not having it. He really missed his wife and held her tightly against his body. He started to massage her back sensually when someone called their attention.

"Ehem! I'm volunteering to drive you home right away."

Mia hid on Neero's arm as Leah intentionally disturbed their moment. She was flushed and bit her lip shyly.

"Your highness, the car is leaving any time now." Aaron teased them with a straight face. He followed the royal couple together with Leah.

Mia glared at her husband and walked away from the spot with reddened cheeks. She ignored him as he called for her name.

"What did I do?" Neero sighed and followed her to the exit nonetheless.

AFTER ARRIVING at their place at the Zion Suites, Mia prepared a midnight snack for everyone.

"These are so good, M." Leah munched on her avocado salsamole, a Mexican food which Mia is fond of making recently. Aaron agreed, nodding his head and emptying his plate. The Three Maidens were invited to join and also enjoyed the food.

Neero, on the other hand, was brooding at the corner. Everyone was chatting simultaneously while he was there, waiting patiently for the people to go home. Mia agreed when he then told her that he will go to the study to read some emails.

After sometime, a series of knocks echoed at the study but there was no reply. Mia gently turned the knob and saw her husband close his eyes and tiredly breathed out. Curiously, she walked towards the big wooden desk and sat on the edge of the table, which faces her sitting husband.

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