50. Destroy

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“So, what is it going to be, your highness?”

At the Royal Prosecutor Office, an old officer was speaking without giving the First Prince a moment to answer. 

“It seems that the woman earlier is very important to you, am I right? But she seems like another person. It’s not the maiden of Salem. Based on my men’s digging, no lady from the Salem household went to your home this week except for that woman earlier. In fact, Lady Melinda is still in the Salem mansion all this time. Hmm, doesn't this make you unfit for a royal position with your indecency?” The officer was proud of himself. Actually, the information was only fed to him by Marcus and Viola Shechem and he just instructed his men to roam around the private villa of the First Prince.

Neero just stared at him seemingly memorizing his face. His gaze was so intense that the officer started to stutter. 

“And… and also, by doing that kind of thing, it only highlights your disrespect to the Crown. A royal cheating. You made that woman your mistress!” The old prosecutor accused in a high pitched tone.

“She is the mistress of our household.” Neero calmly stated.

“Huh?” The First Prince stayed silent and just boringly stared at him, crossing his arms below his chest.

The prosecutor hissed. “Whi… Whichever, you still misled the Crown therefore off… offending the face of The Institution.” The officer ended his argument but couldn’t relax. In their customs, there is nothing wrong having a second wife if you have the means. He was thinking deep when his phone rang.

“Yes, your…” The prosecutor glanced at the First Prince briefly and headed behind the door for privacy.

After a few minutes, the old man returned with a smug face. “We are detaining you until further notice.” He said confidently after talking with Marcus Shechem. The young man informed him of another deception that Neero has committed.

“On what charges?” A voice suddenly uttered from the background. A man holding an attaché case and wearing a navy-blue suit entered the room. He dragged a steel chair and sat down beside the First Prince.

“Who are you?” The prosecutor asked, gritting his teeth.

“Not clever enough to guess who I am?” The man in mid-thirties smirked at the officer.

“You dare---!”

“And you dare detain an immediate royal family member? Particularly, the First Prince? You’re smarter than this, old man.”

The royal prosecutor deeply exhaled to calm his nerves. He wouldn’t let this young man affect his mood. Earlier, he was already thinking about the generous gifts that the Shechems will send over. But this young lawyer ruined his bright temper.

“The charges?” The old man briefly laughed before continuing. “Was the woman on your wedding day the real maiden of Salem?"

"Yes she is." The First Prince answered with no hesitation. 

It's true because even if Amelia wasn't the one who walked down the aisle that day, Melinda was legally adopted by Dinah Salem. She is one of the maidens of Salem. A fact that is still unknown to outsiders. For the onlookers, the immediate Salem family had only one maiden. They didn’t know the truth about Amelia.

"Lies. You hired an impostor for the wedding because the bride was nowhere to be found that day. The audacity! That kind of fraud alone could banish him from the kingdom!” 

Neero and the lawyer knowingly exchanged looks.

"How did you know that the First Prince hired another woman and the fact that you knew about his wife's disappearance?" The lawyer inquired the now paled officer.

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