47. Loyalty

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Amaigabea Villa

"Do you have a plan?" Augustine inquired seriously after a deep conversation with Neero. He's trying to read the expression on the young man's face which revealed nothing.

"I have few. For now, do what you need to do. If that document could help change the future, then focus on finding it. I'll take care of the rest." The light gray eyes stared back at the darker gray eyes.

Augustine agreed and his hand let go of the other documents that he was reading a while ago. He laid his back on the chair. They needed that document to right the wrong things and all the chaotic effect it would make.

Out of nowhere, a 'thank you.' was heard from the First Prince making him snapped back to the present. "For what?"

"Your men outside the city capital have been of great help finding my wife."

Augustine's eyes softened at the words. It's true that he mobilized his men to aid the First Prince's guards. He's family after all even before knowing the truth. He wouldn't just turn a blind eye if he could lend a hand. "All thanks to your twin brothers who are geniuses. They're the ones who were closely monitoring any type of signals from every part of the country. We just responded when the distress call got through."

Neero smiled at this because it's true that those two nerds have a big part in rescuing his wife. Nonetheless, he was still grateful for the old man's aid. He held up his one hand toward the former, offering a formal handshake.

Augustine raised his eyebrow once the man offered his hand to him. He stood up instead, went around the table and embraced Neero tightly. Then something in him melted. All those times of loneliness and cold under the exile period couldn't compare to what he has now. His heart became warm as his eyes slightly sweated.

"It's my pleasure... my son."

Neero was surprised at the action but his lips curved up slowly. His old man deserves another chance. He might not know how deserted Augustine had felt back then but as someone who is new to this kind of revelation and relationship, he just hugged him back and hoped it could make up for all those years.

"Welcome back, Father."


Mudhish Palace

"I second the motion of not delaying the Crown Prince selection anymore." The Duke of Shechem stated. He's also one of the initiators of fire within the meeting.

The inner court was covered by all sorts of pressure coming from the opposition. The King and Queen couldn't contain them anymore.

"Silence!" The Kingdom's scepter echoed inside the hall after it hit the ground. The officials halted their arguments in reverence of one of the highest symbols in their kingdom.

"Your Majesty. The people have spoken. They want to know their next leader. When will the selection take place?" The official for affairs and communications reminded their king.

"First working day of the next month, I will crown the next-in-line." King Reuben uttered in finality. He met Laura's worried eyes and only sighed. They couldn't let a rebellion occur.

Outside the hall, Tamar was pacing. The selection is exactly two weeks from the present.

"Will you stop?" Judah rolled his eyes as he watched his sister walking back and forth.

"How could I? Neero would win, right? Father will choose him." The Princess was worried about the consequences of her crazy idea back then.

The king's selection is not solely based on his decision. He will have a thorough deliberation with his advisers along with the head of the ethics committee and he must not be selfish to just choose his own kin for the position. He needs to defend and show them justifiable reasons on why that person, who'll become the next ruler, is deserving.

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