18. Betiko

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A/N: Took me a lot of revisions for this chapter. See you next week! Happy weekend. Love lots!

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Mia noticed the flash of disappointment in Neero's eyes. It was so quick that if she wasn't staring, she would have missed it. She knows the tension between the Shechems and the Jabals. Leah told her about some royal rumors but she never thought that this particular gossip would be true. A tiny part of her heart hurt in some way. It's like from the beginning, there is no chance for the two of them. The two families have disagreed with one another for a long time now.

Neero, on the other hand, continues to cuddle her and doesn't want to think anything at the moment. They stayed like that for a long time. No words were spoken but the only audible thing was the resonating of their hearts. Both of them are silently hoping that this moment will last.

"Your highness. M." Leah called out from the entrance.

Neero sighed helplessly as Mia stood up to accommodate Leah's call.

"The... the shooting will start soon, your highness." Leah informed them and a light blush can be seen on her face. At the moment, Neero couldn't let go of Mia and boldly snaked his arm around Mia's waist while standing behind the pretty woman.

Mia raised one eyebrow at Neero but the man only shrugged at her and continued his valiant effort in front of her friend. "We'll come out in a while. Thank you Leah."

"What?" Neero chuckled as the woman was glaring at him nonstop.

"Could you behave yourself, Mr. Casanova?" Mia taunted.

"Getting personal are we? Neero uttered dangerously as they exited the dressing room. It's been a while since someone called him that. Usually he cringes at the fact but coming from this woman, he doesn't mind. He's very aware of his past relationships and would never deny those things. "I must have a word with that little assistant of yours. She told you many things that wounded my reputation."

"No, you will not." Mia bravely said and gave a charming smile.

Neero helplessly stared at the alluring woman who was walking ahead of him. He, then, smiled at her confidence and calmed himself as a strong feeling gushed inside of him.

The shooting started once the two artists made their way to the rendezvous. This time, both will do a few scenes on the sea. Neero ordered that only a handful of crew should be with them. He initially thought that this kind of shooting is only good for a private setting. As what the creatives team presented to him a few weeks back, the ocean scene would have Mia and him wear daring attires. Yes, the advertisement will grace the small screens but he disliked the idea that several people would feast their eyes on Mia's body in person. As much as possible, he wants to lessen that.

The director couldn't say no to the request of the First Prince. He only assigned seven people for that particular shoot. He dismissed the thought that the royal highness has a liking towards the female model. He wouldn't dare to assume things like that because he loves to keep his job.

"And cut! Fantastico!" The director shouted. He didn't expect that his two artists could pull off a set of more daring acts. Seeing them together is very much pleasing in one's eyes. Every move compliments each other's actions. When the man caged his woman, the woman willingly gave herself to him. When the woman required the man's attention, the man would look lovingly at her as if she was his world. These scenes were brought to life by Neero and Mia and the director couldn't ask for a better projection.


"Your grace, welcome back." The personal attendant greeted Duchess Viola and observed that the woman had a delightful atmosphere. She took the coat off from Viola and they marched towards the study.

"That trip was worth the time." Viola stated as she received a glass of water from the attendant. They were now sitting at the large couch.

"What happened, your grace?"

"Well, as a start, that woman is indeed beautiful. The fake prince has a valid excuse to fall head-over-heels for her. Too bad that the woman doesn't belong to the same world as him. But too lucky for the Shechem household that her parents weren't here for everyone to see." Viola informed.

The attendant was puzzled at her master's words. "Does it mean that she---"

"Yes. She's a sham. That woman doesn't even look like Lydia or her husband. Very compatible with that fake prince, don't you think?" Viola laughed her heart out. This is too much entertainment for her. It's like the heavens are in favor of her plans. She will hit two birds at a time. First, the reputation of Dinah and the Salem family. She's sure that the fake prince will make a way to delay or cancel the wedding because of her so-called niece. Oh she cannot wait for that day to happen. Second, the Shechem will join the royal family. Their future plans will come to pass once that day arrives.

"Is the young woman aware of those things?" The personal assistant inquired.

"Of course not! She's very naive to believe every word that I told her last night. But if she will divert from the path that I've set for my family's sake, I have another leverage in Thomas. He is a real Shechem, not that woman anyway." Viola smirked and decided to take a rest inside her chambers that afternoon. She would take risks for their household and make her husband the first Ruler outside the Jabal clan. She would use anything or anyone to their advantage.


"Come with me." Neero huskily uttered after the end of their shoot and held Mia's hand.

"Where to?" Mia asked as she allowed the man to lead her to the parking area. No one seemed to care that the two slipped away or better they let them be.

Neero drove to one of the untouched parts of the locale. After several minutes of driving, the car finally halted and the two got off the vehicle.

Mia gasped at the scenery before her. It's a picture of a mountain with a tall waterfall attached to it and lush greenery and cultivated fields at it's foot. Situated on the vast field were a few small houses which she thought were the home of the natives there. The place is tranquil and she was lost in its beauty.

After spending more time, Neero and Mia very much enjoyed each other's company. They strolled around the village and the chieftain gave them tokens for their visit. Unaware that the special attires which were given to them are for married couples, they also let the chieftain to bless them in their native language which translates as "by no means, you will be apart". The two thanked the locals who welcomed them and received the words without knowing its meaning.

Mia glanced at the handsome prince on their way back to the vehicle. She stared enough as she engraved his face deep in her heart. She knows everything will come to an end. She already accepted that reality.

In return, the prince also fixed his eyes on the woman as they halted beside their ride. Captured by the moment, Neero slowly approached Mia and cupped her chin as his grey orbs communicated with her green eyes. Would he let this be their last?

"Brother, it's time." Judah called out as he alighted from another car. He followed his older brother and waited patiently for the two to finish their 'date'. Well, he didn't wait alone as the pretty lady assistant of Amelia was with him the whole time.

The two silently trailed behind their escorts. Ahead of time, Neero called and instructed his personal chauffeur to accompany the ladies back to the grand hotel and to the airport.

Mia and Leah rode in the BMW car. But before the former entered the vehicle, she glanced at the man who had moved her heart.

So long prince...

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