27. The Past (1)

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A/N: Sorry it took me weeks to finished. I'm uploading two chapters so, forgive this author. 

Again, this is a work of fiction.


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Mia's feet led her to a white room with wooden pews. She stared at the only ornament in the room, which was hanging on the front wall - a cross.

Who am I?

As she questioned herself, Mia felt frustrated and disappointed.

"Aunt Mia?" A small voice spoke.

"Paul?" She simply uttered with a little shock.

"I'm with my dad. Don't worry, Aunt Mia." The young boy replied before the pretty woman could ask the obvious.

"Where is he?" The woman inquired as she didn't see Donna's husband. Instead, an old man was sitting beside Paul.

"He's at the cafeteria buying some snacks. We're waiting for mom."

Mia started to march towards the young boy.

"Oh, this is Reverend Joseph. He is our priest back at the Antioch Orphanage. Dad saw him and we kind of stayed here at the chapel." Paul informed and introduced the man to Mia.

"Nice to meet you, Mia." The clergy man greeted and shook the woman's hand.

"Likewise reverend Joseph." Mia said in return and an awkward silence broke through.

"Paul?" A low voice called out from the entrance door.

"Dad!" The young boy shouted in a whisper.

"Thanks reverend for taking care of Paul." Jack Lopez stated with a grateful tone when he approached the three individuals.

"Of course." The priest replied, smiling.

Jack told them that Donna is arriving and excused Paul and himself to personally wait for her wife at the main entrance. He told Mia that they would join her at Thomas' room.

The two unacquainted people were left inside the chapel for the meantime. Mia sat again at the nearest chair. All her thoughts were coming back to her.

"For what it's worth, my child, not only does our Creator watch over us but He sees us. I don't know what you're experiencing right now but, God definitely sees you, Mia. He knows what you're going through and he isn't turning a blind eye to your predicaments." The priest spoke first, looking at the cross.

"There will be plenty of doubts but there's the truth along the way. And it never fails. Don't give up. God wants us to be strong and courageous in our battles. I'll be praying for you Mia." Reverend Joseph ended his monologue and bade his goodbye to the young woman.

The woman nodded in response and genuinely thanked the clergyman. Reverend Joseph has stated a fact. Doctor Ong is also right. She can dwell on the results later and she should deal with the current situation first. She muffled a quick prayer to the Higher Being for that special encounter. Then, Mia squeezed her eyes shut and opened them to blink the past behind.

After doing so, Mia walked to her brother's room. The Lopez's chatted and accompanied her for a while as they hoped for Thomas to be awake.

"M, we're just here. Remember that." Madonna uttered as her family were preparing to go home.

"Thanks Donna. I know I'm blessed to have you as a friend." Mia responded and hugged Paul's mother in return.

"Bye Aunt Mia!"

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