6. The proposal

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The King held his scepter tightly as Tamar said the words. He's not unfamiliar with the feelings of his daughter but the request is improper. Thankfully, his wife is not around because if she is, he wouldn't like to think the next scenario.

Shaking his head slightly, the King calmed himself before responding. "Tamar..."

"Father, that's my only wish." The princess said as her eyes became glossy. Her beautiful face is now coated with sadness.

The King sighed. "Princess, I wouldn't give what you want..."

"But you promised me a wish! The King never backs down with his words." Tamar stated clenching her fists on the side.

"I cannot give that to you."

"Why father? Why?"

"Because, Neero is already engaged."

When the Princess heard the response, she suddenly fell on her knees. 'No...'

"Your highness!" Tisha spouted with alarm. She hastily marched towards her master to assist the young royalty.

"Escort the Princess in her chambers." King Reuben instructed and stomped his scepter signaling the end of the meeting.

The maidservant immediately obeyed and carefully guided the dejected Princess in her room.

At the other side of the kingdom, the First prince has already heard the meeting between the King and the Princess. Neero wasn't sure if his decision was the right one but hearing about the request of Tamar, he's convinced that he had called for a timely resolution.



When Neero was with the King and some of the ruler's confidants, he was given several options regarding the marriage.

The most suitable family, according to the papers, is the Shechem clan at the Northern territory. The family is strong and held popularity on the whole continent. As for the other proposals, most of the officials thought that they are just average for a royalty like Neero.

But the First prince has a different preference. The Shechem is sure a powerful clan but the marriage will give them a great leverage inside the inner court. Not that he cared but, his secret royal force reported that the clan are somehow aiming to overthrow the current monarch. He loves his father and his family so much and for that, Shechem clan will never be an option.

Instead, the First prince chose a maiden from a noble family in the South territory. The noble maiden of the Salem clan.



Neero is reading the information about the family at his study. According to the documents, the Salems are high in status yet very modest in their lifestyle. The South territory is also thriving and the residents are very loyal to the Salem rulers because of their fair and just decisions.

The First prince nodded to himself for he needed someone who is not blinded with power. Neero is only curious about one thing. The rumors either said that the maiden of the Salem household is deformed or that she is disabled.

Well, he would find out once the royal order is issued and summoned the Salem family to the Mudhish Palace.

After approving some business documents, Neero rested on his room.



"Good afternoon Ms. Gates. One cappuccino and banana muffin?" Mia uttered to the beautiful patron who just arrived inside the shabby coffee shop.

"Yes, please." The woman answered smiling. "And oh..."

"One americano takeaway." Mia continued the sentence as she smiles at the woman.

"That too. Also, you can address me by my name, Mia." The lovely lady winked at her.

The business woman, who was standing opposite the counter, is one of Mia's inspirations. She's fierce, smart, and successful yet humble at the same time.

And she's the wife of Alexander freaking Gates! The business tycoon who owns the biggest hotel and restaurant chain around the world – the Zion Group of Companies.

"I will, N--Natalia." Mia smiled in return and prepared the order while the lady sits on her usual spot.

"M! Did you hear?" Their server approached the counter.

"Heard what?"

"That this shop will be closed for a month because of the upcoming renovation."

"Why would Mrs. Locke renovate this shop? We're tight on funds, right?" Mia asked curiously. The establishment is known for its crummy visage because the owner couldn't afford to upgrade it.

"Earlier this morning, she already sold the business to a new owner." The other barista answered.

"W-What? The shop was sold? So, there will be a new management. What will happen to us?" Mia started to worry and thought about the future again.

"Mrs. Locke said that the new owner will address the issue tomorrow morning. So be sure to be present." The server told them.

Mia sighed and hope for a favorable future to all of them. After her shift, she directly went to the club to prepare for her evening work.


Early the next day, Mia made it on time before the new owner arrives at the shabby coffee shop. The employees gathered at the center of the shop before the store's opening.

Two women in elegant office suits entered the store. The beautiful brunette woman smiled at Mrs. Locke then at the few employees.

"As the new owner of this business, I am happy to take you under my wings. As you all know, I wanted to renovate this shop. I'm also planning on expanding it." Natalia Gates addressed.

"I'm also aware that you're worried about some matters. While this store will be redesigned for a month, all of you will be deployed at my other shops. My assistant, Delilah, will coordinate with you about your place of assignment so that, you can prepare ahead of time. I hope that I have answered your main concern. That would be all." The business woman stated.

While Mrs. Locke and Natalia are having their private conversation at the back office, the employees are having their own discussions.

"Can't believe that Ms. Gates acquired this kind of shop!" One staff spoke.

"Sure. We are fortunate." Another one uttered.

Mia was relieved to know that they are indeed in good hands. After a while, she received a document, which contains her assignment, from Natalia's assistant.

The file revealed that there will be a salary increase and travelling allowance. For a week, she will be assigned to assist at the opening of The Belle Shop at another country. It will be an all-expense-paid business trip.

Closing her eyes, she needs to tell her brother and the Pietas about the new assignment. Mia needed people whom she trusts to take care of Thomas that's why she quickly called the couple.

Upon arriving at the hospital room, Fred and Juliette were already there.

"Amelia, where are you going for a week?" Thomas couldn't wait to ask his big sister.

"At the Middle-east continent..."


A/N: Another chapter for me, myself and I. Surprise? I was, too. See you again next week! ^_^

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