Meatball Mashup

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Andrea's POV
Pauly and I stayed in bed for most of the morning, cuddling and talking.

"You want anything to eat?" Pauly asked me.

"I don't feel like eating."

"You haven't eaten since early yesterday." He pointed out.

"I'll eat later. I promise." I yawned.


As I walked into the living room, I saw Nicole on the phone dialing a number. She had just gotten home from work.

"Hey, girly! What's up?" I said, hugging Nicole.

"Calling Jionni. Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"A little." I said before standing up. I sat on the couch next to Pauly.

"Are you sure you don't want like, a piece of toast or anything?" He asked me.

"Nah," I shrugged. "I don't feel sick anymore, I just feel... ugh. You know what I mean?"

"You're probably need to take a bath." Pauly told me.

"Can I go in the hot tub?" I asked.

"An actual bath." He laughed, "You'll feel good after."

"I hope so. I wanna be able to go to Riccione tomorrow." I stated.

I got some clothes and a towel, and we went into the bathroom to run the bath water. We had a little bit of trouble due to this bathtub being different from America.

I climbed into the bathtub and I immediately felt relaxed.

"Well, are you gonna join me?" I said, looking at Pauly.

"Don't have to tell me twice." He said with a smirk. He got undressed and climbed into the tub with me.

"This feels great." I commented. Pauly nodded in agreement.

"I really want a glass of juice or something." I sighed, laying back.

"That's the Andrea I know!" Pauly exclaimed. I smiled at him while shaking my head.

"And you'll eat too?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I replied.


"You guys do realize we're only gonna be there for a day, right?" I asked, checking on my girls.

We were packing to go to Riccione and they packed a lot.

"How do know exactly what you're gonna wear?" Jenni asked, laughing.

"Trust me, it was a hard decision." I said before walking out of their room.

After all the packing was done, we got our bags out to the cars. As usual, the girls were in one and the boys were in the other.

"Do you feel better, Andi?" Sam asked as we got settled in the car.

"Much better." I replied.

"So you're not gonna throw up in here, are you?" Nicole asked, making us laugh.

"Nope." I said while laughing.


After the drive, we made it to the hotel in Riccione.

"Oh, my god, this is so pretty!" Jenni commented.

"Looks like Seaside!" Pauly shouted.

"Does not look like Seaside." Deena said, chuckling.

"Oh, I can't wait to go on the beach." I said, standing on the balcony.

After a while, the boys decided to go get something to eat.

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