Hurricane Situation

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Andrea's POV

"It feels nice to see signs I can actually read." Deena smiled. We were in a cab on our way to the shore house.

"Ten exits to go." Jenni stated.

"Now, I'm letting everybody know in this house right now that I do not care what room I go in." Mike announced. Pauly and I gave each other a look.

"I want my old bed." Jenni spoke.

"Me too." I said.

"So that's the consensus, we're all taking our old rooms?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. Looks like it." Alex replied.

"If that's what it is, that's what it is." Mike shrugged.

Obviously Sam and Ron weren't so happy about that.

"Guys, we're going over the bridge." Deena pointed out.

"Here we come, Jersey!" Mike shouted. We all cheered.


"Home sweet home!" I exclaimed.

We all literally ran into the house, the girls and I immediately claimed our old beds.

"Oh, I missed you duck phone!" I said, picking it up.

"I need that." Alex said, taking the duck phone. He sat down on the beanbag and immediately called Lacey.

"Oh, dude!" I exclaimed, making him laugh. I went back to my room to unpack.

After that, we went outside to get more of our bags.

"You'd think there's twenty people living in this house." Deena commented, making me laugh.


"Oh, my god!" Nicole said, opening the pickle jar.

"Let's do a pickle shot!" Pauly exclaimed as Nicole takes a sip of pickle juice.

"Ew!" I laughed. She smirked at me before continuing to sip it.

After that, Ronnie made some Ron-Ron juice.

"Here's to a good summer." Pauly spoke before we all took a shot.


We were walking on the boardwalk and we were on our way to the shore store to see Danny.

Sometimes I dread walking on the boardwalk because of the huge crowd of people watching us. I appreciate the support but this is a little much. But I guess it's kind of expected when you're on a big reality show.

We cheered as we walk into the store.

"What's up, guys?" Danny greeted with a smile.

"The guidos are here!" Pauly shouted.

"This is the palest I've ever seen. You're all Vinny's color." Danny said, making us laugh.

"It's your third year. I'm expecting you guys to be pro veterans this year." Danny told us. Then he showed us our schedule.

"You guys happy to be back?" Danny asked.

"Hell, yeah."

"I wanna hear all your stories about Italy." Danny said.

"Alex has a girlfriend now!" Pauly exclaimed. I bursted out laughing.

"Really?!" Danny asked, looking shocked. Alex nodded.

"I would have never expected that. Anyway, I was hoping that tomorrow at, like, 7:00 I'm gonna take you guys out for drinks. We're gonna go do Captain Hook's, alright?" Danny told us. We agreed.

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