Dropping Like Flies

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Andrea's POV
We finally pull apart so that we can tell the other roommates that Vinny left.

I find Jenni in the crowd and I walk over to her.

"Vinny left." I say in her ear.

"Seriously?" Jenni asks, looking shocked. I nod.

After that, we went to tell Nicole and then Deena.

"Vinny's gone." Jenni tells Deena.

"Is he coming back? Did he take everything?" She asks.

"Yes." I say. Tears well up in Deena's eyes.

"Not now." Jenni says in her 'mom' voice.

"Dee, it'll be okay." I say, giving her a hug.

"I love him." Deena sniffs.

The three of us go to the bathroom so that Deena can pull herself together.

"Oh, he was like my soul." Deena cries.

"Deena, it's fine. Regardless, it's going to be fine." Jenni says sternly.

"I know, Jen." Deena says, wiping a tear.

"Let him fix himself." Jenni says.

"I'm being selfish." Deena states.

"Yeah, exactly. You're being selfish." Jenni says.

"I know I am." Deena says, still crying.

"Deena, it will be alright, this is what he needs. And if he wants to, he'll come back stronger." I say as Jenni fixes Deena's dress.

"He was my rock. I love him." Deena says.

"Listen up. We're gonna enjoy the night for him right now. We have an hour left. Let's just go enjoy the fucking hour." Jenni tells her.

"Dee, you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe." I say as we start to walk out of the bathroom.

"Oops." She says, removing it.

We stayed and partied for an hour before making our way home.

I change my clothes before going into Pauly's room.

"This sucks." I say, seeing all of Vinny's stuff gone.

I climb into Pauly's bed and cuddle with him.

Pauly sighs, "I hate seeing his bed empty."

"Me either, but he needs this." I reply.

"At least I'm not alone. I have you." Pauly says. I smile before giving him a kiss.


I walk into my room to see Deena's hair, it's a complete mess. It looks like a huge knot.

"Woah, what happened?" I ask.

"I danced too hard and now my extensions are tangled." Deena says as Pauly tries to pull a piece of her extensions out.

"Let me try." I say, kneeling down next to her.

I take some of her hair and I try pulling at it. It's really hard.

"Jesus." I say as I tear a piece out.

"I don't wanna have to cut my hair." Deena says, putting her face into her hands. Jenni walks out to see what's going on.

"Like did you fall?" Jenni asks, trying to untangle it.

"No, she just danced her ass off." Nicole says.

After trying for a little while, Jenni eventually gives up.

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