No Shame, Good Integrity

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Andrea's POV

An hour passed by, and Deena's boyfriend Chris arrived at Karma.

"Hey, nice to see you." I say, giving him a hug.

"Nice to see you too." Chris replies. I think him and Deena are adorable together, he's so sweet and patient with her.

I went off and I transitioned between dancing with Pauly and Jenni, and drinking.

As I'm standing at the bar, I overhear something that is an amazing way to kick off the summer.

Ron and Sam fighting.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Sam asks him.

"You!" He replies.

I sigh before taking Pauly's hand, "Let's go. I don't feel like listening to this." I lead him to the dance floor.

We dance as we watch Sam and Ron practically yell at each other at the bar.

After a while, they're arguing died down and they both went off to do their own their thing.

I look over and see Vinny talking to Chris and Deena interjecting.

And then Deena started crying. I immediately make my way over to her.

"What happened?" I ask her. She doesn't answer, she just continues crying.

"Did you do something to her?" I ask Vinny.

"I didn't do anything! I was talking to Chris about furniture and she started crying." Vinny says, slightly laughing.

"Why are you crying, Dee?" I say, turning back to her.

"I feel like he was trying to make fun of Chris." Deena sniffles.

"He didn't mean it like that." I say comfortingly.

"Yeah, I didn't take it that way." Chris assures her.

A few hours later, we started to round everyone up to leave and Deena began crying again because she didn't want Chris to leave.

"Deena, look at how gorgeous this kid is. He's so good, I wanna make out with him." Pauly says, trying to make Deena feel better.

"He's not going anywhere, okay?" Vinny tells her.

"I love him." Deena says.

"I love him too." Vinny says jokingly.

After that, we stopped at Steaks Unlimited to eat really quick before heading back to the house.

"Time to smush, guys." Jenni announces as we all enter the house. Michael brought a girl home, of course.

I changed into my comfy clothes before getting into bed with Pauly.

"Are we doing what Jenni suggested?" Pauly asks.

"Meh, I'm a little tired." I say, closing my eyes.

"Cockblock." Pauly jokes.

"Whatever!" I laugh.


The next day, I wake up and go into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Michael says.

"Morning." I reply, going into the fridge.

"I feel mad good today. It's nice to wake up without a hangover." He says.

"Good for you," I chuckle, starting make myself some coffee.

"Now, this might be a little weird to ask..." Michael says.

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