11. Found a new side

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Hie Babies !

New update ! I hope y'all are doing superb. Please let me know how you guys feel about this chapter in the comment section, and don't forget to vote, Pretty please ?

Also, I might update next today itself, because I feel like writing but not sure.

Anyways, enjoy this one ! Happy Reading !


The good part of skipping two continuous meals and that too dinner and breakfast ? Even if you feel like vomiting you can't get anything out. And I was thankful for that because I wasn't alone.


I didn't shut the bathroom door, and I could feel Kabir's lingering presence at the doorway as he watched my dry heave my guts out.

Not even water was coming out.

When I tried a few more times and nothing came out, I closed the toilet lid, and sat back, finally looking up at Kabir.

Can anything in this entire world be more embarrassing than this ? Probably, but I couldn't think of anything right now. Probably because my body and mind felt too tired to think, so I just leaned back and closed my eyes.

I heard footsteps inching closer making me want to disappear. I have no idea what he was still doing here.

When I finally opened my eyes, they met with Kabir's concerned features once again.

"Let's get you to bed" he spoke gently.

I actually would have made fun of him of speaking to me in a soft manner, second time in a day, but I was too tired to let a single syllable out, so I just needed.

He gently took hold of one of my hand, and one of my bare arm. Even after being in such state, in which I was currently, I still shivered from his touch.

"Are you cold ?" he asked. Which seemed incredulous because if anything, I felt like I was burning.

I shook my head, and with his help, we walked towards my designated room. I turned towards him when once we were at the door. I was at least conscious enough to thank him. I couldn't take him taking care of me. No. That'd be way too far.

Although, a small part of me, a part which I didn't even want to acknowledge, jumped a little too happily at the prospect of having someone to take care of me.

At least when I was sick.

But no, I was a big girl, I can handle-

My world turned around once again, making me halt, as I clutched my forehead, but before I could fall face down once again, I was caught by strong arms.

"Got you" he whispered, I think in my hair, and then I was being laid down on the bed the air conditioning in the room turned on.

After some seconds I opened my eyes, and saw Kabir fiddling with the AC's remote, setting the temperature.

I watched him from the bed, too stunned to speak anything.

"You might have fainted because of the heat out there, but the nausea, I'm not so sure, that might be because of the heat too." he said and kept the remote down turning towards me, his face back to being neutral.

He walked out of the room, finally.

Once I feel better, I need to fix something for myself to eat, because sure I might have fainted because of heat, but it's more because I didn't have the energy in the first place to exert as much physical pressure at myself as I did.

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