16. Found a new smile

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How are y'all ? I hope y'all are doing really good.

Here's a new chapter and I think you guys would like it.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. It really motivates me to write further. And makes me feel really good.

Enjoy. Happy Reading !


I straightened my hair with the borrowed hair straightener from Latika. And the girl she had called for make up had done mine too. Though I wasn't too fond of heavy make up so I had just asked her to do my liner properly and the lipstick with eye shadow.

Everything else I was capable to do myself.

My hair were insanely long by now, and I liked them that way but with that came the work of arranging them, so for now, I had thought of simply straightening them and pushing them all on the right shoulder of mine.

After the straightening was done, I put on the gown and it was so heavy that without being tied up on the back it falls off my shoulder. I hold it in my hand finding my phone.

Are you ready ?

I shoot a text to Latika

I think I am, but I am also feeling so nervous Aaru IDK !

What ?

Oh she thought I was asking if she's ready for the engagement.

I meant like literally ready ? The makeup, hair and dress ? Because I don't think you can ever be properly ready for events like these babe.

- No my hair are being done right now.

Is aunty ready ?

-She went with dad to the nearby temple.

Why ?

-Don't know. Was talking about some kind of prashaad

Oh Okay.

I exit WhatsApp and sigh. Guess I need to find some house worker.

I open the door of my room and bump head first into none other than Kabir.

"Ow !"

"Do you always walk like you're blind?" he says and I scowl at him.

But that scowl soon enough turns into embarrassing blush when I see the look on his face.

His eyes travels from my shoulder, being fixed their for a little while, when I realise that the gown has fallen off the shoulders one again showing off my cleavage clearly. I fix it with my hands holding it their, when his gaze travels further down till my toes and then back up again, heat scorching his eyes.

"What ?" I ask him with raised eyebrows.

He doesn't reply and just keeps staring, once again looking at the little of the skin showing on my neck and chest.

"Why are you holding it like that ?" he asks and I slump my shoulders down, pulling my hair on one side of my shoulder and turning around a little so that he can see the untied strings on the back.

He clears his throat when I see him once again his expression unreadable.

"Why are you here ?" I ask him then remembering he was the one on my door.

"Oh. I need a little help. And Latika isn't ready yet" he says

"Yeah she isn't. I asked her too, because I need a little help back there too" I say with a nervous smile. "What help do you need ?"

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