28. Found myself falling in love

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Latika barged inside my room, picking up my pillow and then throwing it at me, "Made tea for you. If you don't want it to be stolen, get your ass downstairs in 5 seconds" she said to me, and ran downstairs herself. 

I stood up, shutting my laptop down, and closing the door of my room behind me, walked down the stairs. 

I saw Kabir sitting on the dining table, and as he looked up from his phone, his eyes meeting mine, they got this mischievous glint in them, almost halting me in my track. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he raised his own back, though when I walked a little closer, his eyes dropped down to my lips, producing goosebumps all over my skin. He kept staring at my lips, knowing full well what he was doing. When he looked up in my eyes again, a smirk graced his lips. Oh he definitely knew what he was doing. 

I shook my head at him, and he made a sad expression, his lips tugging down from the corners like a little kid. 

I smiled to myself, walking in the kitchen. I loved that Kabir felt free enough to act like a little kid with me. It made my heart squeeze with love and then grow bigger and bigger inside my chest. 

When I reached the kitchen counter, I saw the pan, and there was no tea in it. I looked for the cup, my Taylor Swift cup specifically, but there was no sign of it as well. 

Sudden realization made me stop searching, and I closed my eyes. 


I marched towards the dining table, and stood beside him. Sure enough there was my tea cup, half empty. 

He was still messing with me. 

"This was mine" I accused him, and he looked up from his phone, that mischievous look in his eyes still not leaving. His eyes literally sparkled, as he pursed his lips, which I was sure he did to hide his growing smile. 

"Yeah ?" he asked with raised eyebrows, "I couldn't see where it was written, that it was yours" he said, eyes focused once again on his phone. 

Rolling my eyes, I tried to snatch the half empty cup from where it was kept in front of him, but he stopped me, snatching it right back both of our hands holding the cup tight. 

He was still staring at his phone, as if me trying to argue with him, was just even a mild inconvenience he doesn't have enough attention to spare for. 

"Give that to me Kabir. Latika prepared it for me" 

He looked around the room, and nobody's attention was on us, at least not yet. But if he wouldn't give that cup to me right now, there will be a scene soon enough. 

He asked me to lean down towards him with a nod of his head, and I frowned but complied. 

"Give me a kiss first, and take it" he whispered so that only I could here. 

My eyes went wide. 

"Here ?" I asked. 

"Mm hm" he nodded, his eyes back to my lips, and I shook my head rapidly. 

"Not happening" I told him, and tried to snatch the cup once again, away from him. 

He stopped me, and bringing the cup to his lips, took a sip from it, all the while staring into my eyes. 

"You don't even like tea !" I said and his lips tugged up from the corners, amusement sparkling his eyes. Oh he was thoroughly enjoying this. But I wasn't. 

"And it's his house" a voice reached both of us from the living room, and I stumbled a little backwards realizing how I was standing over him. 

Maami Jii's narrowed eyes were on me. And my heart stopped beating in horror. As if I wanted some more reasons for her to hate me. I desperately prayed she didn't hear all of that. I was screwed. 

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