30. Found Hurt

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The whole house...

was a huge mess.

It was like there wasn't a wedding, but a whole circus that has to be arranged in less than a few hours.

And this was when, everything, literally everything, starting from Mehendi, till Latika's Bidai, is going to be taking place in the Resort. Not here. And yet...

Yet there wasn't any space to step foot, in the entire living room.

Instead of humans sitting on the couch, there were Piles and Piles of packed clothing, from sarees to suits to dresses to just normal unstitched pieces of clothes stuffed and packed in different poly and paper and cloth bags, sitting on the couch.

Baskets of fruits on dining table ? Check

Boxes of sweets on the center living room table ? Check

Garlands and LED lights to decorate the house lying around on the floor ? Check

For a moment I envied Latika, because she'll leave from here, and I just knew that me and aunty would be left to sort this mess out.

But that wasn't going to happen for the next two days. Because the next two days we're going to be staying at the hotel. And that was why I was standing here, waiting for Vicky to be bring the car around, so I can stuff my belongings and he could ride me and aunty to the hotel.

Latika was already at the salon getting ready for today evening, and that left mostly, me, Kabir and aunty with the responsibility of seeing things over, taking a mental note of what is to be taken to the hotel, and what is to be left here, since uncle was already at the resort overlooking the arrangements. Besides he was advised by the doctor, to not take much stress. Kabir was currently at the resort, and was settling Latika's stuff there. The driver has taken Latika to the salon. And that was the reason Vicky has just had to become mine and aunty's driver.

And that was when, since this morning, he has been acting extra creepy.

For example, this morning, I went into the kitchen to prepare my tea, and I felt someone standing awfully closer to me, and I just knew that someone wasn't Kabir, cuz at this point, I can tell when it's him and when it's not.

So, I turned around, and found Vicky standing there. And he wasn't his usual self, smiling or anything. He was just standing there with a stone face staring at me.

I thought of not giving him the time of the day, and finished preparing my tea, when I felt his slightest touch, a little above my butt. But he was gone so fast, that I doubted if he had even touched me, or if that was just a fluke.

But later on when I'd walked out the bathroom, after having a shower, I had found him lingering upstairs, in front of my room, and like yesterday he didn't scurry off. He just stood there once again staring at me so creepily, that it literally chilled my bones to the core. In a bad way of course. I had ran into my room so fast, and this time haven't forgotten to lock the door. Even double-checked it.

I had avoided seeing him, as much as I could after that. And that was also one reason, I was so apprehensive about getting in a car with him.

Yes, aunty would be there with me, but still. The vibes he was giving off were never so friendly, but today, they were just off. Like a psychopath finally flipping over.

Extreme judgment on my part. But precaution is always better than cure, is my life mantra.

And my mind, was already on the flight mode. Yes to Precautionary steps all the way.

I've also not seen Kabir since almost 24 hours. I mean I have seen him, but that was it. Just seeing him. Not getting to talk to him, or touch him. And that was making me feel extra unsafe. Why ? I had no idea about that. Unsafe plus sad plus kinda grumpy.

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