12. Found Care

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Alright. This is such a long ass chapter. First chapter of this book which is this long. But I won't be able to update tomorrow, or maybe anytime soon, because of exams, so consider it a bonus guys. I love you all.

Please ignore all the mistakes because it's midnight and I'm sleep deprived. (that rhymed hehe)

Okay goodnight. Happy Reading !


Even after taking the meds, I threw up two extra times.

The downside of it ? Kabir was there to witness it all. He even winced when tears streamed down my face because of the pressure. I had told him plenty of times to leave me alone at least when I was puking. But he didn't.

Instead he stood there, rubbing my back and keeping my hair out of my face. I was so overly emotional because of my periods that I felt like crying just because of having him there to take care of me.

It was 7 pm in the evening and since noon, I've drifted in and out of sleep 3 times and one time out of three, I had woken up shivering, and the other two times sweating profusely.

The part I was hating was, being on my period. Like, I just had to be blessed with having my hormones and emotions all over the place, with the cramps when I'm already sick ?

Not fair. Not fair at all.

I stared up at the ceiling, and closed my eyes trying to go to sleep. I had just checked my fever 5 minutes before and it had come down to 99 degrees F thank fucking goodness.

I can't even take the meds again before dinner. So, I'll have to wait. The effects of the previous one were subsiding and I wasn't able to go to sleep anymore.

Kabir had saved his number in my phone earlier, in case I needed any help, since he had a meeting. Coming back to him again. I have no idea why was he was doing all that he was doing for me. More shocking than that, he didn't once tell me how much of a trouble I was being today ? Am sure nothing like this would have been happening if it weren't for me. It's all my fault, that I hadn't eaten properly. And this time I would apologize to him for being a pain in the ass.

I mean He even had to come and check me in the bathroom in the middle of a phone call when I felt like I'd throw up once again. I didn't fortunately but it was still so much trouble one has to go through. I didn't even get the time to apologize because once he was sure I was tucked in the bed he returned to his room.

Another part of me, the part which was so foreign to actually having someone who'd look after for you to this extent with no conditions, was so confused. Didn't he hate me until yesterday ? I was so not used to having someone taking care of me. Especially after mumma passed away. Even before she died, she was usually sick, and dad... well he always had a bottle of liquor to accompany him, so usually I was the one who learnt to take care. Whether it is of myself or anyone else. Not the other way around.

And not to mention the way he slipped out a dirty flirting line. Yeah I still get flustered thinking about it.

Urgh he's not supposed to make me feel all these things.

Picking up my phone, I busied myself on you tube to not think anymore about a certain someone. \

Several minutes later I heard commotion from outside, and then looked up when I saw Kabir standing at the doorway of the room.

"Mummy papa and Latika just arrived" he announced

"Oh" I closed the phone trying to sit up.

"Don't step out of this room" he said with a pointed look and I narrowed my eyes at him, but then sighed.

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