Announcement : New Book

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Helllooooo to my lovely and the world's cutest and prettiest and hottest readers

Guess who's back ? uhm yeah that's me.

And I know I need to make a lot of amends for the way I just went MIA for almost a year, after I finished writing Found Hearts. I sincerely apologize for that,

BUT, and it's a big ass butt- I mean but

me being absent from wattpad does not mean that I didn't notice the love you all gave to Found Hearts ????

This book is so so so loved by y'all that it literally makes me feel overwhelmed to even think that something that I wrote, is out there in the world, and the readers are enjoying it so much.

All the love that Found Hearts received from you guys, motivated me to do something, I wasn't feeling any kind of inspiration to start.

And that is, Anirudh's story.

Yep, I started the book, and I'm going to publish the first chapter very very soon.

I hope this break that I took from writing, only made me better, and I hope that this new story will be something even more interesting and mind occupying than anything I've ever written.

I know that it's certainly much darker.

So I'll provide the synopsis to you guys down below. Don't forget to give this book a try if you guys loved Found Hearts.

Loads and Loads of kisses to you all.


Anirudh Chauhan was born in the world of blood splash and political games. He had learned to not fear before splitting human veins open and he had learned not to fear the red liquid bleeding out that flowed through those veins. Violence and death was second nature to him. It had to be if one had to survive the world he had to live in. That exact same world, a constant reminder of everything he couldn't have, no matter how much he craved it.

And he had craved her.

Until he had to let her go.

And until somehow she had stumbled back into his life, threatening every rule he had followed to keep himself sane.

Radhika Batra was every sin wrapped into salvation which Anirudh tried to keep away from.

He had run away from her, only for her to be pushed back into his life.

And this time in a way, he couldn't exactly ignore or resist.

Because when fate pushes them into a union of convenience, also known as an Arranged marriage, both Anirudh and Radhika have no choice but to accept. The only surprise was, that Anirudh was to marry another Batra. Radhika's sister.

Both of them decide to revive the rules they had made for each other. For Radhika to avoid the addiction that came in the form of the devil wrapped in sins and charm. And for Anirudh to resist the only woman who made him starve for control, especially when she comes as a soon-to-be sister-in-law. Forget her being his craziest obsession.

But... a tale as old as time reminds them both that rules... are merely meant to be broken when the one thing you run away from, decides to return itself back to you.


So here goes nothing.

Don't forget to check this out if you guys find it interesting. I will keep updating the book. Mwah. 

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