20. Found Realizations

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Guess who finally updated ??? That's right. Me.

Before you guys throw shoes and eggs at me, let me apologize. Board exams suck major balls. I was dying to write but was stuck in such a loop with zero motivation. Safe to say I am back. For now. So I hope you guys would enjoy this chapter.

Happy Reading.



I pickup my kindle, my eyes flickering once again towards the door, and my heart beating at an unhealthy rhythm, waiting any moment for Kabir to open the door and step inside.

I'm so confused. I was so confused by his need to spend time with me. 

Standing up, I leave the door open, and go back on my bed, laying down, making a cushion with the pillows. I start on with my book. 

The damn problem was that I couldn't focus. It never happens with me that I am not able to focus on a book. I read for escapism so it makes sense, that I should forget everything. But not him. Not Kabir. Nah, it's like he has already casted a spell on me, which compels me to keep thinking about him, every second of the day. 

Annoyed with myself, I go one page back, and start it all over again, since I had zoned out, during the first page. If this keeps happening, I might start to read out loud for God's sake. 

After 10 minutes or so, I am pretty immersed, that I do forget about everything. The book is not all that grasping not gonna lie, but I've been told the smut is amazing... and oh well. 

"He grabs her hair, pinning her against the wall, and leaves wet kisses down her throat" 

I jump on the spot, a shriek leaving my mouth, and turn around, staring wide-eyed at Kabir, with my heart beating at an erratic speed. 

"What the fuck Kabir" I take deep breaths to calm my heart down. 

"What the fuck indeed" he nods, pointing at my kindle. "This is what you read?" he raises his eyebrows. 

My cheeks turn a tinge of red, as I avert my gaze from his. 

"Yeah ? And so what ?" 

"Please tell me you didn't expect that type of behaviour from a male in real life" 

"NO ! No... it's not like that" I meet his eyes, embarrassed. 

He raises his eyebrows once again. "I've been told that girls who read, have certain high standards. Just never thought, it would be those type of standards" he stares at my kindle again. 

I turn it off, this time pinning him with a glare. But he doesn't even notice it, and makes himself oh so comfortable by removing his crocs, and settling on the bed beside me. 

I look towards the door. 

"Locked" he says, and when I look at him his eyes are on me. 

"And if someone comes looking for you in your room ?" I ask. 

"That is locked as well" 

I frown. "It sorta feels like we are having sex" I blurt out, and when I look at him, the one side of his lip is curved upwards in a half amused smile, and half smirk. 

"Aren't we ?" he asks, and I throw a cushion at him. 

I get a low laugh in return. 

And in this exact moment the realization strikes that I can look at him forever if he's laughing or smiling.

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