32. Found Terror

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^ The song which is mentioned later on in the chapter. 

Lover- First Dance Remix, by Taylor Swift 


After Kabir and me had pretty much sorted our argument out, I've thrown him out of my room. He had demanded that we just simply ditch the Sangeet, and for a minute I was convinced, when he had cornered me in the bathroom, bringing his arms around me, and started placing soft kisses all over my neck.

But safe to say, I had good self control, so I had turned around in his arms, and told him that everybody would be really really suspicious, if both of us went missing.

What did he say then ?

I don't care.

Yeah, he'd said "I don't care"

But after two, okay maybe three more heated kisses, with me sitting on the counter, and him standing between my legs, he'd understood my point, and had walked out of the room.

But he'd said, that we would talk again soon.

Maybe talk was his keyword for other things. Because the way we were almost eating each other's faces off, and were ready to rip off our clothes, I didn't think there'll be much talking.

If before, we had this passion exuding between us, suddenly it was like, a switch had once again being flipped, and this time, it was much and much more than just two people casually dating.

He'd tell me that he loves me. I'd tell him, that I love him more. And then we'd be at each other again.

And currently I was standing and talking with one of mine and Latika's mutual friend, but I hadn't been able to escape Kabir's eyes for once.

He'd also never looked so happy before. His eyes were literally shining, as I watched him standing with Anirudh, Gaurav and Jeet.

I excused myself from the girl I was talking to, and walked towards the bar.

It was almost 10 pm, and every older guest, had excused themselves an hour before. It's been two hours since I am back here, after I fixed my make up in the room. And since I've walked back, Kabir is looking for reasons to stand by my side. To touch me sneakily. Everytime I had walked towards the bar, he'd make an excuse and follow me there, and then he'll whisper sweet teasing words in my ear, that'll make my skin stand with attention and also goosebumps.

As I walked towards the bar, Uncle and Aunty called me towards them, and I marched up to them. My heart for a second picked up it's rate, when uncle also called Kabir.

Kabir walked up to where the three of us standing.

"Everything okay ?" he asked, and uncle and aunty nodded.

"We both are tired, and all of our guests are already gone or retired to their rooms. We don't want to trouble Latika and Jeet much, since it's their day and they should enjoy, so we are leaving the responsibility on the two of you, to see things around, since now there are only youngsters left here." he turned to Kabir then, "Kabir, make sure, no drunk fighting, and no recklessness."

Kabir nodded.

"Aarohi beta, please see that Latika doesn't gets herself sick okay ? Haldi is tomorrow afternoon. We don't want her to look ill there"

"Don't worry aunty, I'll make sure"

She smiled at me, and then both uncle and aunty walked out of the hall.

When Kabir and me turned around once again facing our left guests here, we realised that it had pretty much turned into a bachelors party now.

I also realised that both Latika and Jeet, were once again on the dance floor.

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