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People often say that time flies by quickly when you're having fun, or when you're in love

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People often say that time flies by quickly when you're having fun, or when you're in love. And Wooyoung would like to agree to both statements.

The seasons have changed, and it was now winter. Snow was starting to pile up on streets, and snowflakes delicately falling from the sky to the ground.

Many months have passed by and they've all grown to be better people, better friends and better lovers. They've enviously witnessed the oldest two graduate from university and living their lives the way they've always wanted to. Hongjoong got accepted under a entertainment company as a producer while for Seonghwa, he works for a well-known cosmetics company while modelling on the side for extra income.

The 99 liners and Jongho were all busy working their ass off for their finals and their final year project, before interning for 3 months.

"Why did no one tell me that this was part of the graduation criteria?" Wooyoung wails out, after hours of studying.

"Yah, did you forget we're seniors now? Stop complaining, you're not the only one suffering here." Yeosang sassily snaps back and Wooyoung helplessly flops back into his seat.

"Let's all take a break, we've been studying for too long and everyone's starting to get sensitive. C'mon get up, we'll go get some rabokki and chicken. I'm craving for it right now." Yunho voices out loud, and the rest wasted no time in packing their items hurriedly, wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

Upon their arrival at their usual restaurant, they quickly settled down removing their padded coats trying to welcome the heat from the grill and heater.

"Since you decided to bring us here, are you going to pay for us too Yunho-ya?" Wooyoung teased, earning some 'ooh's from the rest of the group.

"Tsk, I knew this would happen. Yeah, yeah fine I'll pay." Yunho caves in and the rest cheered like kids getting candy. "Just because I'm nice okay? But give mercy on my wallet please, I'm still a broke uni kid."

"You literally have a black card, Yunho."

After a fulfilling meal, some of their energy was temporarily back, but before the food coma hits.

"My god, I'm so full right now I could burst." Mingi groans.

"For real, I'm gonna need a nap after this. Studying can wait till this evening. Speaking of that, wanna crash our hall's study area later to finish up our work?" Jongho suggests.

"Good idea, I'll go grab some snacks and drinks for us later. Text me if you want anything specific. Meet you guys there at 8?" Yunho offers, and they all agree before parting ways to their own rooms.

As expected, after playing some games for a few hours, both Wooyoung and San succumbed to sleep to recharge themselves after a morning of intense studying and a full meal in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, the deafening sound of the alarm breaks the silent and comfortable atmosphere of the room, trying to serve its purpose to wake them both up from their slumber.

"Turn it off, San." The younger mumbles into the older's chest, trying to block the sound out and return back to sleep. San removes his arm around Wooyoung's waist to stretch over to the nightstand to turn off the alarm as requested before taking a minute to fully snap out of his sleepy state.

"We gotta get up Woo, we're meeting the rest again to do our work remember? C'mon get up, we don't wanna keep them waiting." San softly says, shaking the younger awake who just whines, wanting to stay in bed.

"C'mon Wooyoung let's get up, it's already 7.30. We still have to shower - we smell like charcoal." Wooyoung finally gets up upon hearing that, with San having to drag him to the washroom to freshen themselves up.

Just as they planned, the rest were already seated at the table as the both of them walked over.

"There you guys are. What took you so long?" Jongho asked.

"We took a nap right after we came back and showered first before coming here. We literally smelled like burnt charcoal." San replied.

"Mm, fair enough. Sit down hyungs, Yunho hyung is getting us snacks."

Surprisingly, the six of them were quiet and focused, snacking and asking each other for help from time to time. Some took breaks mid-way, to go grab coffee to stay awake while some just rested their heads on the table to take a power nap.

"Young-ah, Young-ah?" San tries to stir his sleeping lover awake. "Hey, do you want to go back and rest? You seem tired."

Wooyoung stretches his limbs and shakes his head. "Mm no its okay. I need to finish this."

"Babe, you've done a lot already. You can finish the rest up tomorrow. Let's go get some sleep now, you have a morning class tomorrow."

"Mm fine. You'll stay up with me again then." Wooyoung playfully threatens and San just chuckles. "Yes, I will. Now let's go, you look really tired."

As Wooyoung packs up his stuff, San announces to the team on their departure. "Hey guys, Woo and I will head back first, he needs the rest and I'm getting sleepy too. Goodnight, and don't stay up too late."



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