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After Wooyoung ran away from that embarrassing moment, he ended up in another isle, hands on his chest and panting heavily

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After Wooyoung ran away from that embarrassing moment, he ended up in another isle, hands on his chest and panting heavily. 

"God damn, Jung Wooyoung! Why did you have to run like that? Now that guy probably thinks that I'm a weirdo. Ugh whatever, not like I'll see him again anyways." Wooyoung mumbles to himself, and continued to find whatever was left on his shopping list. 

Although he won't admit it out loud, he was smiling like an idiot behind his mask. 

Meanwhile we still have another person who was still trying to process what the hell just happened. 

"San-ah, why are you just standing there?" The voice of his sister's voice pulled him out of his trance. 

"O-oh sorry, it was nothing. Just bumped into someone." 

"You're blushing. The person must've been pretty and caught your attention." 

"Yeah, he was really pretty."


"You're smiling a lot today, Wooyoung-ah. Did something happen?" Seonghwa asks, as he sat down next to the said boy. 

"Yeah I noticed that too, what's going on Wooyoung?" Yunho added, and the purple haired boy continued eating. 

"It's nothing really, I just bumped into someone yesterday when I was shopping for groceries and I kinda embarrassed myself a little and ran away. And the reason why I'm smiling is because I'm reminiscing that moment from yesterday and also because that he was really pretty and had such a beautiful voice." Wooyoung explained in one breath. There was a minute of silence with the boys looking at him, blinking, probably still trying to process it in their heads. 

"Oh wow, that's great Wooyoung-ah!" 

"Ooh, a guy huh?" 

"Damn, you're already whipped." 

Shit, I did not just say that whole thing out loud. Wooyoung thinks after a few seconds, as he continued eating his ramen to hide his red cheeks. 

Even on the way to class, Yunho was still teasing him about it.

"For the love of God Yunho, drop it already. It was only a one time thing! I only know his name and found him cute and that's it!" 

"Tsk, what a kill joy. All I'm saying that he can be a potential guy if you guys were to bump into each other again!" 

"Yeah, exactly. If we bump into each other again."


Somehow, ever since the day San set his foot down on the streets of Seoul, time has been flying by like a flash. San hasn't had a moment of proper quality rest, since he's always so busy packing and unpacking and helping the family with the rest of the house. 'Is this what living in the city feels like?' is a question that runs through his mind almost every day. It's all so fast paced, and he hasn't even had a real taste of what it would be like if he's already enrolled and starting classes. 

He plopped down on his bed, releasing a loud and tired sigh. It was another long day of fixing furniture and cleaning the house up.

"I'm finally going to SNU tomorrow huh.." San mumbles to himself, still not believing that he managed to get into his dream school. He just finished packing his set of clothes and other essentials to bring over to the dorms, and they'll be sent over the first thing in the morning. San has never had the chance to dorm before, so he's actually excited to meet his flatmates and since it's being paid for the whole his first year, he would only be an idiot to pass up on this opportunity. 

He was so excited he was having troubles trying to pick out an outfit for his first day at school and had to have his sister come help him out. He wanted to make a good first impression, so he was firm about picking out a good outfit to which his sister responds, "You look good in anything my dear little brother, don't worry about it." 

Excitement was still bubbling in his nerves, and he said boy was squealing while rolling around in his bed squishing his plushie Shiber, like he just got asked out by a guy that he likes. Well, it can't be helped when he's both excited and nervous at the same time. 

"Ugh, I should probably get some sleep to not look like a zombie tomorrow."


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weee! i hope you guys are liking this so far!! pls bear with me on this one okay :/ let me know how you guys feel about this book so far! don't forget to stay safe! <3

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weee! i hope you guys are liking this so far!! pls bear with me on this one okay :/ let me know how you guys feel about this book so far! don't forget to stay safe! <3

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