[30]"I get them sometimes to"

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Bucky ran over and tried shaking your shoulder to wake you. "Jesus! Steve she's burning up". He ran forward pressing the back of his hands at your forehead. "I'm getting the thermometer" he said running out, coming back only seconds later. "We need to wake her first, shaking her isn't working try something else".
Bucky struggled climbing into the bottom bunk with you and pulled you up so you were half sitting up in his lap. "Y/n wake up it's not real your ok" he spoke, stroking your cheek.
Steve knelt on the floor beside you with a hand on your stomach trying to comfort you.
Eventually you stopped struggling and just let out sniffles. Your eyes flickered open and he spoke to you. "Y/n are you awake? It's ok me and dad are here".
You became vaguely aware of the other set of arms wrapped around you but your mind was going foggy like you were falling back to sleep.
"Y/n?! I'm checking her temperature". He carefully held it under your tongue and stared at it wide eyed. "Buck it says 103 what do we do?!"
Bucky looked like he was about to panic but pulled himself together, "uh ok. Go get the Calpol, the liquid one it'll be easier and I'll take her to the shower".

Steve ran downstairs to get the medicine and Bucky scooped you up and slid out the bed. Turning on the shower he sat in the middle of the cubicle with you. The water drenched his hair and dripped over his face as you curled into his chest.
Steve ran in with the little box and pulled out a bottle and tiny spoon.
"Does it have the syringe in there?" Asked Bucky.
Steve picked the box up and pulled one out "How much of it?"
"Do it until the last line, the one that says 10ml".
Steve leaned in and held the syringe filled medicine to your mouth. "Y/n? Can you please have this? Y/n?" He wiped the hair from your face and you moved slightly. "I need you to have this" He said again gently. You opened your mouth and very slowly ate it.
He then got a towel and dried off his hair that got wet whilst under the water.
For a while Bucky sat there crossed legged holding you tight to his chest and Steve sat opposite him in the same position just outside the shower. The towel still balanced on his head as he watched you.
Bucky glanced at him and smiled.
"What's so funny?" Asked Steve.
"Nothing" he said letting out a single laugh, "you look like a nun like that".
Steve grinned back and they chuckled to themselves.

You began to shiver under the water so they turned it off and lifted off your pyjamas, quickly covering you in towels. Once dried they checked your temperature again and were relieved to see it was almost back to normal. Bucky also dried himself and started changing into new pyjamas whilst Steve put clean ones on you. He held you whilst the other tried to find a top. "Y/n" he said trying to see if you were awake. "Do you want to sleep in our bed?"
You slowly nodded into his chest so he got up, holding you tight, and went down to their room. The blankets were bunched at the bottom of the bed from when they jumped up in a hurry and the pillows were scattered. Leaning over, you were gently placed into the middle whilst Steve fixed everything and got in, hugging you. Bucky appeared moments later and joined you both. Still half asleep you reached an arm out pulling at his top to bring him closer.

You slept deeply for the rest of the night and began waking up that morning with your head fuzzy. Still snuggled into the middle of the bed your dads deep voices pulled you out of the half asleep state.
"Oh sorry baby girl, you can go back to sleep"
You crinkled your eyebrows and grumpily shook your head. "No. I want to talk to Sarah".
Bucky started stroking the hair away from your face, "sweetheart why don't you stay home today? You can speak to her tomorrow" he said gently.
You shook your head again and looked up with pleading eyes. They both looked at each other before Steve spoke.
"Only if you eat breakfast and your temperature doesn't come back".
Buck nodded in agreement as the other went downstairs to make something.
You were pulled up into a sitting position leaning against the headboard with your dads arm around you.
You were very quickly brought some toast and jam on a plate. "I didn't want to bring you cereal incase you dropped it on our bed" Steve commented.
"Oh so instead you made toast covered in jam" Bucky retorted with a smile.
"Uh. yea. Because jam is better than milk! And I made you some if you want it".
"Thank you" Bucky said quickly, snapping his arms out to grab the food.
"Yea I thought that might make you stop complaining" Steve joked.
You stayed silent and ate your toast, still not feeling fully awake.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now