Chapter 3

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***Chapter 3***


The sketch artist swerves her laptop to Samantha.

"I don't know how you did that, but that's him," Samantha says, a shiver shooting up through her.

"You provided most of the work, I only clicked some keys," the agent whom Samantha forgot the name gets up.

"Agree to disagree. That's fantastic."

"Thank you, Ms. Myers," the young agent beams, "I will alert the others I am done here, it should only be a few minutes."

"Alright." Samantha looks at the walls when the agent leaves, wondering which one is a mirror. It's been hours since she took the recording, and she is exhausted. Three months into her pregnancy and she doesn't even have a baby bump yet. But her nausea and vomiting keep her feeling like crap. She wants to rest her head on the table but doesn't want to seem weak. Is Agent Flynn watching her right now? A frown fills her features when thoughts of the government's sexy agent appear in her head again. Images of his light blue eyes in contrast to his lightly tanned skin. How his loose dark curls escaped his brushed hair and lay in front of his forehead. Not to mention his bulging muscles. Is she wrong to think of a guy in such a way so soon after Michael? It's not like she loved him. That feeling had left long ago. He did her a favor by leaving her if only he'd left at least some money behind. The door to the room opens rapidly making her jump.

"Alright, you may go home now." Agent Vaughn motions for her to get up. Samantha does so but gets up too fast, making her swoon. Strong arms quickly hold her up until she regains her footing.

"Woah, make sure you got your footing," Vaughn warns. He cups her elbow as she walks out the door and down the hall. Agent Flynn almost walks into them as he turns around the corner.

"My bad Vaughn," he says, then notices Samantha. "You're not looking too good."

Samantha feels her ears turn bright red. The last she needs is the man she finds attractive telling her she "isn't looking too good".

"I am fine. I only require a warm bath and a good nap, one which I'll get the sooner I'm out of here," she replies, stepping out of Vaughn's reach.

"About that, I assigned two patrol cars to your place of residence to ensure your safety until the trial is over," Flynn says.

"After that, my safety won't matter?"

"Hopefully the danger will be gone by then."

"And if not, I will have to upgrade my illegal weapons stash."

Flynn cocks his head, "What might that stash consist of?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I am a federal agent."

Samantha narrows her eyes, "That's exactly why I wouldn't tell you." Vaughn lets out a chuckle.

"Are you always in such a good mood, Ms. Myers?" Flynn asks.

"No, it's all a facade. I'm actually quite morbid a fact, that if this witness thing means I will be around you more, you will quickly realize," She replies, "may I go home now?"

"Yes, I'll have an agent take you home."

Vaughn clears his throat, "You take her, Flynn."

Samantha almost yelps a no, but thankfully Flynn says it for her.

"Everyone else besides us is busy, and you were about to go get lunch. Take her home and then get your lunch," Vaughn pushes.

Flynn gives him a look that makes Samantha guess he does not want to take her home. Maybe he knows what pain in the ass pregnant women can be.

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