Chapter 29

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Samantha pulls on the clothes Lucas got her. When she got out of the shower and the clothes were on her bed she'd been happy to see they were from one of her favorite stores. They fit against her perfectly and she likes how she looks in them. Instead of a simple noddle strap like she asked, he got her a white blouse noodle strap with light blue jeans and a tan suit jacket, that makes her look sophisticated but in a casual way. He even got her a make-up kit, which even in its small size must have cost a fortune. She doesn't know if he is doing it on purpose or not, but every action he does only makes her like him more.

"Samantha you ready?" he knocks on her door, "we have to go!"

Samantha zips up her pants and looks in the mirror. Leaning in she checks her makeup to make sure it's not too much. Butterflies fill her stomach which is foolish considering it's not a date or anything. It is however the first time Lucas will see her decently dressed. Taking a deep breath she opens the door.

"It's about time," he says looking her up and down his eyes growing slightly. "I'm, uh, glad the clothes fit you so well."

"Thank you," Samantha fights a smile, happy with his reaction. "Where is your suit?" she asks. Instead of his typical outfit, he wears black jeans that fit him snuggly, an open dark green button-down, and another white shirt that strains nicely in the bicep area. "I like your shoes," she points at expensive-looking white Nike shoes.

"You know I don't dress in a suit by choice, right?" he asks.

"Yes, I know."

Lucas pulls on a black baseball hat with the letters PR on it. "You don't like it?"

Samantha fights a blush but loses, "It looks fine. You don't look very bodyguard-like."

Lucas smirks, "I can't go dressed in a suit looking very bodyguard-like," he gives her a cheeky grin that makes her need to look away to not give her reaction away so clearly. "Which is why I am dressed casually."

"I just supposed your closet only contained suit after suit," she says.


"You know never-ending black and white."

"I try to have different things. Follow me to the car." Lucas leads her to the garage. After assuring her the windows are tinted, he pulls out of the driveway and they are on their way.

"Just so you know I don't think you will be very undercover," she says a couple of seconds in.


She gives him a look, "You're like 6"2, and uh, um-"

"What else?" he glances at her. She remains silent wishing she hadn't opened her mouth. Instead, she silently peeks at him from the corner of her eye. The black cap is squishing his curls onto his forehead making him look way younger than the thirty-two Julian said he is.

"How old are you?"

"Julian already told you my age."

"So he wasn't lying?"

He shakes his head, "I am thirty-two."

"You look younger," Samantha says honestly.

"Both Julian and me got blessed with strong genes. We got no worries about our hair graying anytime soon."

"4 years older than me."

"That's a lot for you?" Lucas raises his eyebrows.

"I've dated older. Not that I am interested in dating you," she turns red at her slip up.

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