Chapter 6

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***Chapter 6: Part 2***


From the director's office, he goes to Vaughns. He should have finished making copies of the agent's files by now. Sure enough, when he walks in there is a high stack of files on his desk.

Lucas pokes them, "I don't remember there being so many."

Vaughn's head pokes up from behind them. "I didn't either, but we had two teams and interns working on this full time before the evidence disappeared. At least now it's only one team."

"How am I going to get all of these out of here, without questions?"

"I got you covered," he pulls out a duffel bag.

"Really? How is a duffel bag supposed to fend away questions?"

Vaughn starts shoving the files into the bag, "I figured it would be better for people to wonder what's in the bag than to wonder why you have their file."

"I suppose so," Lucas looks at all the childish figures on Vaughn's desk. Some are from people he's helped, others are from other agents, and some he got himself as souvenirs from places he's been to.

"Auclair allowed the plan?"


"When is my turn to watch her again?" Vaughn hands him the bag.

"I think I have enough for the next three days. Hopefully, I can finish in two and sort out some possible agents."

Vaughn gives him a weird look and chuckles.


"I'd say with Samantha in the house your lucky if you finish in four," he laughs.

Lucas scowls, "That's not funny. I'll make sure she stays busy."

"Oh, really," Vaughn lifts an eyebrow.

"Shut up. You know how I am when it comes to work."

"I do," he frowns, "on a serious note, do not get yourself involved. Wouldn't be good."

"Don't you have work to be doing? People, to be interrogating?"

"To tell the truth, there is little point in interrogating the people who used to work for him. None of them are talking, they've all heard of what happened to those that spoke out or have been threatened."

"There might be one who isn't scared and that is what we are looking for. The one that isn't scared," Lucas taps the head of a Funko Pop making it bounce. "Just keep trying."

"Don't touch them," he mumbles slapping Lucas's hand away.

"We meet at the house tomorrow night unless it's something urgent. Remember to take a different route than yesterday."

"Yeah yeah I know the drill. See you then."

"Hey, Marcus these aren't good people. Make sure to bring back up with you. Don't go in alone."

"Love you too honey."

"Go to hell," Lucas shakes his head with a smile. He decides to take the back stairs thinking fewer people were likely to be there. After a couple of flights down without a problem, he hears footsteps going coming up. He debates whether to duck into a random floor, but decides he's not doing anything worth doing that for.

"Flynn?" Dixson stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi," he goes down the remaining flight.

"Who are you stealing from?" she eyes the bag.

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