Chapter 31

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"Are you the father?" Marcus asks Lucas. Lucas ignores him and starts pacing the room. "I'm being serious. Did you two know each other before the reporter's murder?"

"No, that's a stupid question," Samantha says.

Marcus looks at Lucas expectantly, "No we didn't," he glowers at him.

"I'm just making sure. I sense there is something I don't know about going on," Marcus eyes them suspiciously, " I hope you won't try anything when you've only known each other what? Twelve days?"

"Has it really been twelve days?" Samantha asks.

"A word outside?" Lucas grabs Vaughns's arms and pulls him out of the room.

"What are you doing?" Lucas growls.

Marcus points at himself, "What am I doing? What are you doing? I haven't really said much up to now, but you realize that as the head of the case if you get involved with Samantha and Gordon's team find out, they could use it against us. They'll use it to discredit anything she says."

Lucas takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his hair, "I know."

"Do you? Dammit Lucas," Marcus hisses, "I told myself to leave you alone. That you know what you are doing. That you wouldn't put the case at risk. When I told you she was your type that first day, I was only messing with you."

"You were right," Lucas jokes.

Marcus rolls his eyes. "I'm serious Lucas. I'm worried about what it will mean for our case if you continue to get closer with her."

"Like I have said countless times. Nothing is going to happen."

"You know no one believes your bullshit right? There is a reason Spencer thought you were the father."

"I'm supposed to be her boyfriend," Lucas points out.

"And I'm supposed to be her brother. She didn't fall for any of that. If I didn't know what the situation was I would have thought you were the father too. You were looking at that screen like it's yours or something. What the hell is going on with you? This isn't like you, Lucas, you usually are very careful with women. You almost never care for one so much, especially so soon."

"I don't know," Lucas rubs his face, "I have no idea what is happening to me. Trust me I would like to know as well."

"You need to figure it the hell out before you put the case at risk and your promotion," Marcus. Lucas nods knowing his best friend is right, like always.

"And if you won't do it for the case then do it for her," he looks through the small window where Samantha is waiting anxiously. "I know what your philosophy is with women. You'll only hurt her." Lucas thinks of how happy she looked when she heard the heartbeat. He can't be the one to ruin it. "Not to mention you don't even know if you will be able to see her after this."

Lucas frowns, "Do you mean-"

"Yes!" he cuts him off, "say that this doesn't end well. She will go into witness protection, to somewhere you can't follow. Keep that in mind."

Lucas internally winces. Of course he knew of that fact, but he hadn't truly considered it until now. It would be foolish to even attempt something.

"Hey you two," Doctor Spencer walks down the hall, "I got the results."

"I'll be right in," Lucas smiles, then waits for her to leave. "What have you got on Micheal?"

"This is what I'm talking about. Don't you think it's a bit weird you going after her ex like this?"

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