Chapter 11

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"You said it's called fairy bread?" Vaughn looks at the bread in front of him full of colorful sprinkles. With only requiring white bread, butter and sprinkles it's the only Australian thing she could think to make with Lucas's boring dessert ingredients.

"When I was little I used to think my mom made up the name because I loved fairies."

"But it's actually called fairy bread?"

"Yup," Samantha bites into the simple but yummy bread. Vaughn does the same and looks at her surprised. He quickly finishes it off and asks for another one.

"Aren't you supposed to be super healthy?"

"Why? So I remain in shape and hot?" Vaughn winks comically passing his hand through his blonde hair. Samantha tilts her head inspecting him. He is good-looking even with his plain features of blue eyes and blond hair. Or they might not be plain. Compared to Lucas's exotic combination most men will probably now look plain to her.

"I suppose everyone needs to seek comfort in deserts every once in a while."

"I do so a little too much," he chuckles patting his stomach. She starts to say something back, but then feels the sensation on her stomach she gets whenever she is about to puke.

"Wait right here," she says to Vaughn and then rushes to the bathroom upstairs she has claimed as her own. She slams the door shut and kneels to the toilet just in time for her to puke. Groaning she curses herself for eating the damn fairy bread.

"Samantha? You alright in there?" Vaughn knocks on the door.

"Yeah," she calls.

"Is this the morning sickness pregnant women get?" he asks.

"Yeah." Her stomach clenches again and she heaves into the toilet again. Her cheeks get red with the embarrassment of Vaughn hearing the disgusting noises coming out of her mouth. She leans against the tub her limbs as tired as they usually get. Typically it takes a while for her to feel like she can leave the bathroom without getting dizzy.

"Samantha?" Vaughn knocks again.

"I'll be out in a bit, you can go back to the bread," she croaks. The fairy bread must have really not suited her baby and after a few seconds she is puking again. She leans her forehead against her hand reaching out with the other one to flush it.

"Garage door," she hears the alarm system announce.

"Great," she murmurs praying it was just Marcus stepping into the garage to check something. Of course given her luck gruff murmuring soon starts in front of the bathroom door.

"Myers, can you open the door?" Lucas asks.

"It's just morning sickness."

"I know what it is. I didn't ask you to tell me I told you to open the door."

"I'll skip over how rude that was and I'll remind you I puke every day. I am always fine when I leave the bathroom, so you can leave."

"No I am tired of you just locking yourself in there whenever you get sick," he pauses, "if you are doing it so I don't see you in that state, I assure you I don't care how you look like."

"I certainly do not care if you care what I look like you self-absorbed fool," she says angrily despite the fact she does care a little, and part of the reason she doesn't leave until she feels like she can walk perfectly fine again is so she doesn't seem so weak. Not the image she wants anyone to see.

"Then you should be okay with opening the damn door," Lucas jiggles the doorknob. With a sigh, she stands to do so, but the minute she does another round of puke hits her. She makes a mental note to never eat fairy bread again while she is pregnant.

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