Chapter 37

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"Camila!" Micheal calls.


"Babe, the food is burned a little, is it okay if I get something else?"

"Of course, I'll make something real quick," Camila rushes to take his plate. She gives him a kiss on the cheek. Micheal fights the urge to gag. Of all the women he has lived with, she has disgusted him the most. She is constantly doing everything he asks wrong. If it wasn't for his liking of her daddy bought apartment, he would have bolted already. He only has to tolerate another couple weeks before he can propose and punish her into what he wants. That's the only way women learn through submissiveness. A knock come from the door.

"I'll get it!" Camille says.

"No, I've said not to answer the damned door." He's told her repeatedly to not open the door to strangers. The damn bitch doesn't listen. He gets up from the couch, anger for her insubordination filling him.

"Why can't you ever do what-" he stops talking, seeing two men in suits standing at the door. One with blond hair is showing his badge to Camille.

"Shit," Micheal curses, not for waiting them to notice him, and bolts to the ladder chute.

"FBI, STOP RIGHT THERE." He hears one shout behind him. Micheal pushes the window up, sucking his stomach in to slip through. Taking two steps at a time he goes down the ladder swinging himself under the bar of the second to last floor and jumps down. He runs down the alley and makes his way to the pavement. Behind him the ladder clanks as the men follow him. Moving his legs as quick as he can, he slips into the next alley way.

"Go around!" He hears the man yell to his partner. He curses at the fact that, they sound closer than he thought they were. Micheal stop running, the alley ending at a tall fence. He frantically looks around trying to figure out if he can jump it, aware the footsteps are sounding closer. He glances down the alley. The blond agent appears and sees him. Not being able to debate it any longer, he back up a little and jump unto it. He throws one leg over it, but feels something tugging his other one. The blond cop is grabbing his foot, trying to pull him down. Micheal grunts, shaking it hard, forcing him to let go. He then jumps down, stumbling back into a run, but fails to notice the other one going towards him until it is too late, and he is tackled to the ground.

"I got you, you son of a bitch," the cops spits, pressing his face to the ground with one knee while cuffing his hands. 

"I ain't do nothing," Micheal spits.

"Then why you run huh? Shut up and stay still." He continues to thrash around and is able to pull himself to his knees, but the cop slams his gun against his head before he can do anything else. Micheal slumps in defeat and everything turns dark.

Micheal gazes around the interrogation room, bored. He has been waiting for hours to be interrogated and hasn't even been offered water. His anger at Camille for letting the agents catch him, has only festered, but he refuses to show it. Staying calm and collected is the best thing to do. If only a female cop interview him, he will surely be able to charm his way out with her. Micheal waits another thirty minutes until finally the door to the room opens. He groans internally when the same two men who followed him are the ones to enter.

"Hello officers," he greets in his practiced nice tone. They both ignore him, taking a seat. They stare at him with such disdain, Micheal can't help but feel intimidated.

"Do I get to know your names?" he asks with a smile.

"I am Agent Flynn," the one with curly hair says, "that's Agent Vaughn.

Until The Trialजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें