Chapter 14

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"Dixon!" Lucas barks, looking for the agent. Annoyance flares in him when he can't find her. "Hey!" he calls to an agent he forgot the name of. "Where the hell is Dixon?"

The young agent swallows, presumably at the intense glare Lucas is giving him.

"She is on a leave for a couple of days until her nephew gets better."


"He is sick."

Lucas grunts thanks and stomps his way to his office, slamming the door shut on his way in. He wasn't aware Dixon had a nephew. But he doesn't know many things about many people. Clearly, he doesn't. He groans as his thoughts bring him back to Samantha. He doesn't know much about her on a deep level, yet he has a feeling he knows her better already than most people he knows. She likes history and art, but only if it is cool. She hates fancy art. Likewise, she also hates bugs, but loves nature and would love to climb any tree so long it doesn't have bugs. Lucas can't help but smile, remembering her pout when he reminded her all trees have bugs. His smile grows, thinking of what her reaction would be to him calling it a pout.

"Dammit!" Lucas curses at himself. He isn't supposed to be thinking of her. He is slightly mad at her. She thinks he "hovers". When he certainly doesn't. Or does he? He's only making sure she is well, surely she understands that. Clearly, she doesn't. Besides, he doesn't have to do all these things for her. Certainly, doesn't have to get her movies he thinks she would like. Maybe she will enjoy having Vaughn around more, because he certainly will no longer be there more than is needed. Lucas rubs his scruff, making himself livid again. This is why he doesn't get with women. Not that he is trying, but he would love it. Lucas slams his forehead on his arm laying on his desk. Another agent? She wants another agent? And here he thought he was doing a good job.

The worst part is, despite how angry he wants to get at her, he can't. Because has reasons for the distrust she shows. His fist tighten, remembering how she flinched. How it wasn't a small closing of the eyes. How she leaned away angling her body so should he have hit her, then her face would have been saved. Then he got a full look at her eyes with a big doe-eyed look full of fear before she replaced it with her normal worn-out look. It pained him to see her react in such a way. It also caught him by surprise. Even though she hinted at it before, it's different when the evidence is right in front of you. That and her nightmares show him how much she hurts inside. From old and new wounds. Is it strange that after just eight days, it hurts him so much to see her like that? Maybe that would happen with any woman he would have saved. It would be so helpful if that was the case, but he knows in him, it's different with her. He can feel it. But should he act on it? No, he shouldn't, it's too soon. No, that's not why. He shouldn't because it will put the case at risk.

"I don't do women," he groans again, his head swimming with different thoughts.

"Stick to men, then."

Lucas jumps slightly and swings his head up. Julian smiles at him, from his position in the corner of the room.

"What the hell are you doing there?" he narrows his eyes at him. He is dressed in a suit and tie, which makes Lucas think he didn't enter the building the proper way.

Julian opens the front of his jacket and takes a seat on the edge of his desk.

"Thought, I would come to see you."

"Get off my desk," Lucas growls. Julian ignores him.

"It was easier to sneak in then last time," Julian flicks a piece of thread off his pants.

"Get off my desk," He repeats.

"Good thing I came, seems you need me to lighten the mood. What did you do now?"

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