Chapter 10

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***Chapter 10: Part 2***


"I don't understand you, Lucas. I mean, you say you don't want a relationship because of your line of work, but then you turn down the women who'd understand because they work the same thing." Julian thumps the dashboard. "You know what you need to do? Let go of your foolish notion that you are going to die."

"I am going to die, and I don't want my woman to be hurt because of it."

"You're a moron, I just don't know what to say anymore. I am going to die someday, we all are."

"You know as well as me we are more than likely to die, than others in safer jobs," Lucas says. He has seen what has happened to the wives of his dead colleagues. He doesn't want to subject whoever woman he may end up with to that pain. So even though he would like to find love, he isn't going to look for it. "1 officer is killed every 5 days. We never know when it'll be us."

"So, you're just going to be a nun your whole life?"

"No, I just won't let someone get so close to me."

"Well, for your sake, I hope this new circumstance changes your mind."

Lucas throws him a scowl, "I really hope you're not referring to the witness."

"Oh god no, like I said, she is mine," Julian says. Even though he knows it's a joke, it makes Lucas want to clobber him.

"She is a witness, I have no interest in her," he clarifies.

"I would hope not, I don't like to share."

"And she is pregnant with someone else's kid."

"So what?" Julian's smiles, "the kid deserves a father and the mother a good man. I think I am the perfect candidate."

"It's a horrible idea to get involved. Especially with all that's going on, and I don't date."

"Glad to know I won't have any competition."

"Julian stop!" Lucas almost shouts, "I know you think you can get under my skin with all those comments, but it won't work, and all you're going to do it make Samantha think you really do like her."

"First of all I do actually like her even though you seem to think she shouldn't be liked because she is pregnant and in a bad situation."

Lucas mouth drops open, "I did not-what? You're twisting my words. Of course, she should be liked, I mean, what's not to like? I only meant-ugh! Fuck you Julian."

Julian smirks, "And second of all, I don't think I can get under your skin, I already have."

Lucas stops responding before Julian further tricks him into saying what he wants to hear.

"Don't worry, brother, I don't think she likes me back anyhow." Julian waits for an answer but gets none, "I'm sure she would, if not for her dislike of cops. How much do you think the hate goes?" Lucas continues to be silent, fighting the urge to strangle his brother. He loves him to death, but ever since they have been little, Julian has always irked him so easily. With everyone else, he has learned to remain calm, but Julian can trigger him so easily.

"How is she, by the way? I didn't get to ask last night. She seemed better filled out, but she still looks sick," Julian says. Lucas hears a hint of true concern for the girl. Perhaps Samantha truly has attracted him. The realization that Julian might actually want to ask her out, makes Lucas unreasonably jealous. He's only known her a few days, it's not like he can force her to decline. Thinking of Samantha reminds him of his concern for her health. She has been puking at random times of the day and then refuses to come out if he is there or let him help her.

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