Chapter 21

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"Time to move away from the challenges," Samantha declares her brain tired of saying facts.

"I agree," Julian says stretching out on the couch.

"Have I pushed you too hard?" she smirks. Julian sits up and scoots to give her room to sit down. Samantha sits in the corner her chin tucked on her knees.

"Nope I'm not even that tired, but if I keep going you will certainly make me too sore to go to work."

"What is your work?" she blurts not being able to push away her curiosity any longer. She knows both brothers work with enforcing the law, but Julian seems on the rougher end than Lucas.

"I'm a cop in the District of Columbia unit, Lucas told you."

"Yes, but that's your job, not your work."

"True. What do you think I do?"

Samantha takes in his posture and the way he is dressed, "I think you work more on the field and get more action than Lucas. Your less fancy and more hardcore."

Julian grins, "What makes you say that?"

"For one, you are always dressed differently. You are always casual in your leather jacket and jeans. He is always wearing a suit or at least most of the time."

"It's required."

"Yeah I supposed it was," she waves a hand, "I would never be an agent just because of that. Seems annoying."

"I agree. What else?"

"Well, you seem a lot more outgoing than him. Your probably an extrovert and he an introvert."

"I fear that's my fault," Julian admits, "as kids, I spoke for him too often. He got used to me speaking so he didn't need to."

"You know the first few days I thought he hated talking since he barely said anything unless it was to tell me to do something. I was wrong though, he's a very good conversationist, even if he speaks in a low tone."

Julian laughs, "My brother? A good conversationist? I doubt it."

"It's true! He can thread perfectly between when to tease and when to be serious."

"Okay," Julian says in disbelief.

"He's quite fun to talk to," Samanth insists feeling the need to defend Lucas.

"He can at times, he just barely ever does. Other than to talk to me about a case. I don't think he talks to many people. Marcus is the only one who's been able to pass into his comfort zone," Julians eyes her, "and you too I guess. If he truly does talk to you so much."

"Apart from that he also seems more, no offense, level-headed. Like he always walks around with such calm him. Like he is deep in thought. You seem more...." she makes her tone deeper, "let's get the criminals."

"I can see why you think that, but to tell the truth my brother is more, what was the word you used? Oh yes, hardcore than you think. Despite him being a quiet person he has never been one to cower away from a fight. Many of the times I had to speak for him was because he got himself in a bit of trouble."

"He was often getting in trouble?" Samantha asks. Part of her feels like she shouldn't be being so nosy, but the other part wants to know more about him. Now that she realizes it, Lucas never talks about his life and if she has to be nosy to make sure he is a good man, she will do it.

"Not bad trouble, just a lot of fights. People would see him be all quiet and supposed he wouldn't do anything if they bothered him," Julian chuckles, "they always regretted that assumption. He told you he was in the army, right?"

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