Chapter 8

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Samantha glances at the clock and groans. It's only eleven and she is absolutely bored. Watching movies and tv shows nonstop has lost all its thrill. She is itching to do something that requires her to work with her mind and hands. It's been years since she's spent more than three days away from work, and even longer since she's had so much free time. Being stuck inside a house without even being able to go to the yard isn't her idea of being able to relax.

Thinking that perhaps Lucas will have something for her to do, she knocks on his office door.

"What is it?" he asks his voice muffled.

"I looking for something to. I'm tired of watching movies, no matter how free they may be."

The door swings open. Lucas cocks his head.

"You realize those websites have those movies illegally?"

"I'm aware. Thank God for them. They have saved me tons of money."

"Are you admitting to watching them even though you know it's against the law?"

Samantha sticks her arms out, "Why are you gonna arrest me?"

Lucas narrows his eyes. A blush creeps up to her cheeks when she realizes how wrong that sounded.

"They also can put a bug on the tablet."

"I doubt you don't have a very good VPN on it."

He crosses his arms, "That still doesn't mean you should watch them. Hackers use that website."

"I have nothing for them to steal," Samantha gives a look of disbelief. "Are you saying you have never watched a movie illegally?"



"I haven't needed to."

She scowls, "Right because you have the money to just buy whatever you want to watch."

Lucas stares at her with his disheveled handsomeness saying nothing. 

"So you got anything for me to do? Anything you want me to clean first?"

"No cleaning for you."

"I might as well serve as use for something while I am stuck here," she looks around him into his office. Papers litter all across the floor.

"Maybe I can organize that for you. I am a secretary, so I'm pretty damn good at it."

"You know I can't let you touch those papers."

"Well, why not? I won't tell anyone and it seems like you need help."

"I don't," he moves his posture to better block the door, "they aren't the type of papers that need organizing."

"Fine. I'll find something else to clean."

"You know I do have something you might enjoy," Lucas says closing the door behind him. "In the attic, I stored some of my grandfather's old stuff. If you want you can sort it out based on what to keep or whatnot."

"You keep your grandfather's stuff in a safe house?"

"My grandfather didn't care much for it and neither did my father. They both believe keeping things from the past is pointless," he explains as he pulls down the stairs to the attic. Samantha carefully makes her way up them.

"If you don't mind a little dust there should be a lot to look through here." Samantha inspects the area pleased at what she is seeing. Large trunks and boxes are pushed against the walls leaving a large space in the middle. Smaller boxes with books piling out and random objects are distributed randomly across the rest of the space. A sturdy but old-looking window allows sunlight to shine in giving the whole attic more than enough light.

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