Chapter 34

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When she wakes up in the morning Lucas is gone. Any evidence that he had been there is gone expect for a not on the table. Samantha opens it and reads it.

Had to leave early. Told Vaughn you had a rough night and to leave you alone. Wish I could have been there when you woke up, but I'll be back as soon as I can. Please take it easy. -Lucas... btw your are amazing.

Samantha gets a goofy grin and hugs the note against her chest. She feel ridiculous for feeling like a teenager with a crush, but she can't help the feeling he gives her. Even as part of her screams to be careful, she can't find the bad in Lucas. In fact all he's shown is good. In many more ways then one. She groans remembering last night. Truly everything seems perfect about him, even in bed he takes her to heaven and back. Again and again. But he also buys her things that aren't needed, going out of his way to cook for her, for christ sake he crawled into a fort without complaint. Filled with thoughts of Lucas, Samantha gets dresses and brushes her teeth.

"Hello Marcus," she says to Vaughn who is eating a bagel in the kitchen.

"Hi Samantha," he narrows his eyes and the slight skip to her steps, "what's got you so chirpy. You a whole new Samantha then the one I met."

"Just happy about the baby," she says.

"Oh, okay," he glances at the clock, "you slept in quite long. It's nearly twelve. I was about to go make sure you were okay."

"I, um, I was puking all night," she lies sure that Lucas doesn't want him to know about them. If there is a them. "It was, uh, very rough."

Marcus nose wrinkles, "Sorry. The night must have sucked."

"It did," Samantha holds back a smile.

"We got a couple hours to kill until Lucas is back. You got anything in mind?"

"I can show you how to make the caramels. Lucas bought way extra, so I have enough to make them again."

Marcus face lights up, "Let's do it. They were delicious."

Three hours later Lucas walks into the kitchen to Samantha reading and Marcus munching away on his second plate of caramels.

"Hey, Flynn," Marcus hands him a caramel, "she made some more."

"There was a lot of extra supplies so I cooked some," she explains.

"You going to get fat," Lucas tells Marcus, "weren't just complaining about having to work out the extra fat your eating, this morning?"

Marcus sighs and slide the plate away from him, "Thanks for ruining them for me."

Lucas bites into the one he gave him and scan the room until he finds Samantha seated on the countertop. "Hi."

"Hi," she awkwardly says fighting another blush. She hates how easily her body betrays her thoughts.

"I got you a Crunch bar," he takes off his gun holster and pulls the chocolate bar out of his pocket. Samantha hops off the counter and grabs it.

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't eat that though," Marcus voice makes her jump. "It might make you throw up."

"She'll be fine. Thanks to the diet the doc gave her she hasn't thrown up in a..Jesus!" Lucas frowns at Samantha who had elbowed him hard to get him to shut up. Though it appears is too late because Marcus looks at her confused.

"But you said you slept in because you were up all night throwing up? Why would you-" Marcus eyes widen with realization. "You didn't."

"We didn't," Samantha says.

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