Chapter 36

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Tossing the phone to the seat next to him he takes a brief moment to enjoy the silence. He has found himself talking in the last weeks more than he has talked in months. His mom mentioning her bother reminds him to send another agent to watch him. Two might be enough, but given Harlow and Barrios's murder he wants to ensure his safety. Samantha can't risk losing her remaining valid family member. Lucas wonders what Colik is like. If Samantha practically raised him, then he does not doubt he is mouthy. He makes a mental note to let her call him tonight. This time with him on speaker. He may trust her more now, but he isn't taking any chances.

Once at the headquarters, instead of going directly to his office, he goes to Vaughn's office to get an update on Micheal's case.

"Vaughn," he taps the door.

"Come in."

"You got anything on, Micheal," Lucas asks once he closes the door. Vaughn squeezes a stress ball and types into his computer. I sent you the address just now. He apparently is staying with a new girl in Frederick, Maryland. Took longer than I thought to track down his current job, given it's a hire when needed construction project. From there, just found who is girl is. She's young, and post on almost everything in social media. Her address was easy to find."

"Who's the new girl?"

"Names Camila Luciana. In her first year of college, she turned 19 not long ago."

"Are we set to bring him in?"

Vaughn hands him a piece of paper. "The evidence was more than enough to get an arrest warrant. Given he doesn't start hitting them until a few months in, hopefully we are in time to get to him before he lays a hand on Camila."

Lucas makes a decision on the spot, "You got time to go get him today?"


"Yes, now. Last time I waited for something, it didn't turn out good."

Vaughn checks his watch, "Alright, let me go get the search warrant. I asked for one last night, so it should be ready. Meet me in the garage in 40 minutes." He goes around him, "you staying here?"

"I'm going to call Julian first."

"Lock the door when you leave."

"Mhm," Lucas sits in Vaughn's chair, taking out his phone. He frowns and bounces on it. How come Vaughn's chair is better than his?

"Lucas?" Julian says. Lucas puts his attention back to the task at hand, spinning the chair around to ignore all Marcus's figurines staring at him.

"We found Micheal, up in Maryland. I'm going to be gone a lot longer than I thought."

Julia sighs, "Alright, I know I said it was fine, but I have to go back to the guys tomorrow. I've been gone too many days in a row."

"I'll stay with her the next couple of days after this. Can you put her on the phone."

"Sure thing. Sam!" Julian calls. Lucas rolls his eyes annoyed. He doesn't call her by a nickname, because he loves her full name, but it still irritates him that Julian does. Maybe if he had never shown interest in her, it wouldn't.

"I think Julian messed my drink up," her voice replaces Julian's. "It doesn't taste right."

"Good morning to you too," Lucas smiles.

"Sorry, good morning. I just thought you should know why you might find it unfinished when you come back."

"I made it just like it says on the recipe," Julian grumbles in the background.

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