Chapter 19

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Lucas goes directly to the floor where Auclair is. Auclair let him come in at ten in the morning, but he is ten minutes late.

"Agent Flynn," Auclair grins upon seeing him.

"Good morning sir."

"It's hardly morning anymore, son."

"I am sorry to be late, I only have a few things to run by you."

"Make it quick then, I've got a full schedule today."

"I am wondering if I can have one of your best computer guys check something for me."

"Don't you have any on your team?"

"Yes, but I don't know who to trust. I suppose you have someone you know for certain is still on the straight and narrow."

Auclair gets a pad and writes something down, "I have a couple, but only one I'm aware might have the time." Lucas reaches for the paper, but Auclair presses hit hard against the table so he can't grab it. "Who are they to investigate?"

"Ex FBI Agent Harlow. I imagine you are familiar with his case?"

Auclair nods.

"I have a hunch I want to follow in regard to his work on my case before he was fired. I figured like most hackers he is bound to have some sort of digital footprint."

"Very well, sounds reasonable," Auclair gives him the post-it. "Careful with this name and number. Given a little internet, this is a powerful man."

Lucas reads the note. Walker Wilder in the Cyber team. He racks his brain to see from where he recalls hearing the name, must have just been a case he heard about. "Thank you, sir."

"Glad to help. So, is there anything else?"

Lucas hesitates to ask him for the next thing. He determined last night he would do something about it, but he now wonders whether he should just do it without alerting him. Auclair doesn't really need to know. He could just do it without telling him, but that would risk his promotion. The last thing he needs is another risk.

"Are you going to say anything? I've got another meeting to head to."

"Yes, um." Lucas decides to just tell him, rather than have him find out later. It might put his promotion in jeopardy. "I am opening an investigation on a man called Micheal Alexander Johnson."

"I thought you haven't found anything on the case yet?"

"This doesn't have to do with the case, at least not directly. It has to do with someone who is taking part in the case, but the reason has nothing to do with the case," he tries to explain.

Auclair tilts his head, "I admit I am confused. Why are you investigating this man?"

"Domestic abuse, sir."

"That's not the type of case you deal with Flynn."

Lucas nods, "I know sir, but I do think this man is worth looking into. The sooner one less domestic abuser off our streets is always good."

"Why not let the cops take care of it?"

"I have reason to believe he might not be in the state anymore. Cops might not be able to handle it, especially if there is no circumstantial evidence yet."

"There is no evidence of the abuse?" Auclair taps his desk with a curious look on his face, "how is a case to be built then?"

"That's what the investigation is for sir."

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