Chapter 40

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After a few seconds, she peeks from behind the wall in front of the stairs.

"Is it safe?"

"Come here," Lucas takes her hand in his.

"I didn't hear any yelling. So I'm guessing no one is fired."

"No. No one is getting fired," Auclair grins, "pardon my rudeness earlier."

"Already forgiven," she waves a hand.

"Now for a proper introduction. I am Auclair. The director of the FBI."

Samantha eyes widen at his title, "And you're taking the time to be here? Aren't you supposed to be super busy or something?"

"I freed some space."

"Huh, okay. Well, now I feel like I should give you a proper introduction of myself," her eyes flicker to Lucas, and he knows that whatever she will say won't be true. "I am Samantha Myers, witness to a murder and a weapons dealer. Legal ones, of course."

"I would believe you if it hadn't already been told you are sarcastic."

"Well it worked on Julian when I first met him, thought I would give it a try."

"She looked serious and least she told you they were legal," Julian says.

"Okay," Lucas claps his hands together, "it might be good the director is here. The main thing I wanted to talk to the guys about it that Samantha need to meet with the lawyer of the case so she can give her a bit of training on how to testify. It'll be after tomorrow in our floors' conference room."

"I have to leave the house?" Samantha asks with worry.

"Yes, but that's why I want to plan it thoroughly to make sure there is no danger to you."

"I didn't know I would need training, but okay," Samantha bites her lip. Lucas frowns noticing how tried she looks. He should have taken it easier on her the night before. Pulling a chair out he sits her in it and takes a seat next to her.

"Have you all eaten?" She asks, "I can make something."

"That would be nice," Marcus says. Lucas gives him another look. "Never mind."

"You guys talk while I make something," Lucas says.

"I heard you got Lucas talking a lot," Auclair mentions to Samantha.

"I guess. He was never that quiet with me, only in the beginning. He really doesn't talk that much to others?"

"I watched that boy grow up and he has always been quiet. Wouldn't let no one bother him, but he was always silent absorbing everything around him."

Lucas turns on the skillet and cracks a couple eggs into it. He remembers those days very well. At least now as an adult he'll talk if he sees others are expecting him to, but as a child he didn't care if other people wanted him to. He would simple remain quiet preferring to hear.

"Guess the army helped him with that," she says. Lucas almost asks her how she knows that he was in the army. He certainly hasn't mentioned it. Julian must have told her. He's always opening his big mouth. He makes a mental note to ask her about it later, when they are alone once more.

"Nope," Auclair says, "but perhaps you did."

"How's the food going, Lucas?" she asks, changing the subject. Lucas grins, hearing the embarrassment in her voice. Auclair isn't wrong.

Lucas quickly finishes making breakfast for all of them. Once they are done eating, they formulate a simple, but careful plan to limit any danger approaching Samantha in the headquarters. When Auclair mentioned putting extra guards to ensure no one suspicious can enter the building, Lucas noticed Samantha gets tense. Trying to not think of Auclair being present he rubs her back once attempting to comfort her . He knows how she must be feeling, not being able to go freely somewhere without the fear of death. Finally, after some more convincing to Auclair that Lucas won't let his feelings intervene with the case, the men leave the house. Allowing Lucas and Samantha the privacy they prefer. They make their way up to the attic, where the fort is still up. It may be childish, but the space is like their secret place. Only for them and no one else. After a couple of games of trouble, Lucas works up the courage to ask her of how she knew he was in the army.

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