Chapter 28

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My leg is always throbbing now. Always hurting so much that I'm verge of passing out, but not enough that I do. I'm shivering against the cold that never seems to go away, praying to the same god that didn't keep my family safe. Maybe this is his punishment for me. His punishment for doing things wrong after they pass. Or maybe God only wants to kill me slowly, taunting me before I can join them. Perhaps there is no God. I shudder a breath shivering. I wish they would bring me another blanket. Only one more.

I glance down at my leg. It looks better than it feels. I wonder if I hurt it just a little more the pain will reach the point where I can finally pass out. Get relieved of this hell for a few moments. My teeth clattering hard are the only sounds I hear. It makes me think back to the night of my family's death. It had been cold then too. My brother and I were making fun of the noise our teeth made clashing against each other. We'd been so distracted we didn't notice our father lost control of the car. Another pang of sorrow hits my heart. Squeezing my eyes shut I remember my brother's smile. I deserve this, I deserve this for being the one who made it out alive. He was the better person. His heart had so much more good than mine. I shouldn't be the one alive.

I lift my leg slightly biting my teeth hard to avoid crying out. My hands trembling I slam it back down. A cry escapes me, as my leg throbs, sending waves of pain as it does. Yet, despite the increase in hurt, I remain awake. I lift my leg and do it again, another cry following. Why won't I pass out? I only want to go to sleep, haven't I suffered enough?

I jump as the door slams open. The thud echoes through the cold concrete and I shiver, not out of cold this time. Looking out my good eye, I watch as the figure approaches me. Loud thuds on the floor as his boots stomp down.

"Why are you yelling, boy?" he barks. "Did we not tell you to keep quiet?"

I say nothing, knowing it's better to not talk. The man bends in front of me and a finger across my leg wound. I bite back a hiss of pain.

"Hope you didn't play any sports. Chances of that are ruined now," he looks up from my leg, "you shiver as if you're cold, yet-" I cringe as he pokes at the hair stuck to my forehead. "Your sweat says otherwise."

My fist clench, anger flowing through me.

"Ahh," he smirks, "would you like to hit me?" He stands and opens his arms wide.

"Go right ahead."

I stare at him, wishing somehow God would quit his punishment with me and strike him down instead.

The man leans down, "You see, but if you would like to hit me, you're going to need to stand up. How will you hit me from the ground?"

A few seconds pass as he waits expectantly.

"Get up! And hit me!" he shouts. Just wanting him out of my space, I use all the energy I have left to push myself up until I am standing on my good leg. A tear slips out, but I manage to hold in just how much pain it brings me.

"Good lad," he smiles, "now take a shot."

If I hit him, will he hit me back? Is this a trick?

"Go ahead," he steps closer, "I'll let you take it."

Wobbling in place I do nothing but glare at him knowing damn well that in my state and age I must be a joke of a threat. Yet I refuse to cower looking him in the eye.

"Well, I said hit me," he sneers getting closer and closer until he is inches away, "Hit me! Let your anger out!"

My jaw stiffens as I grit my teeth as his fowl breath tickles my cheek. 

"So much anger. So much anger for something that was your fault," he whispers, "Everyone knows what happens to people who open their mouths when they shouldn't."

"I didn't know," I say my defense weakening.

"And now your remaining guardian will suffer because of you," he grins, "not exactly the attention you wanted is it?" 

"Fuck you."

"Hit me then! Where that toughness now?"

With a growl I do as he asks my anger taking over. Swinging my arm with as much strength as I can muster I throw a punch at him, but just as it is about to hit him he jumps back. His laugh echoes through the room as I stumble unbalanced and trip over my hurt leg. I shout in agony the pain blinding me.

"Idiot kids," he laughs walking away, "so easy to provoke."

Lying on the cold ground I shout again in a mix of pain and anger. Tears slip out my eyes my remaining hope falling away. Awhile passes before I find the strength to push my torso up from the floor, I then crawl back towards the wall and the think blanket. As I slump against it I hear the door open again. My bravery hanging by a threat fear spikes in me not sure I can take another hit. A man approaches me, as he gets closer he becomes familiar. He was there. The day they took me. A pillow and thick blanket lay in his arms. 

"Here," he says dropping it in front of me and leaves without another word. But it's okay. One word was enough. I stuff the pillow behind my back and wrap the blanket around me. Here. In the midst of so much bad that threat of kindness brings me new hope. I'll be found. 


Who is Adam? 

Why is he hurt? 

Why does he even matter in the story?

Keeep reading to the end to know <3

Much much love

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