Chapter 13

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"Are you serious, Myers?"

"What did he tell you?"

"He only told me to protect you, which I am trying to do, but you won't cooperate. Why would you possibly tell him my name?"

"I don't like lying to him and he won't tell anyone," Samantha replies.

"I told you not to tell him anything. My name is not anything!"

"I'm sorry. I honestly wasn't thinking about it, I was a bit distracted."

Lucas' face turns slightly red, "You can't afford to get distracted. Being distracted will get you killed. If someone somehow listened to the call or something they now know I am the one that has you hidden. Do you understand the severity of your situation? I don't think you do."

"I do Flynn, but my brain is spinning a million directions. I only wanted to talk to my brother who is scared for my safety. I need to make sure he knows I am fine."

"My name isn't necessary for that! I am doing my best to keep you and your kid safe, but you don't seem to care. Always being so goddamn stubborn even when it makes it worse for you."

Samantha pushes herself off the bed. She knows she messed up and she should have been more careful, but she was only thinking of assuring her brother she is fine so that he may not put his life at risk. She doesn't need Lucas yelling at her and she certainly doesn't need him accusing her of not caring for her baby's safety.

"What are you doing? Lay back down."

Samantha pushes past him, "No, I don't need this."

"Sit down Samantha please, I am sorry for yelling," he apologies, "I'm just frustrated. Out of all the information that should be kept a secret it's my name."

Samantha almost accepts his apology as she always does, but she stops herself. Being overly forgiving is another one of the mistakes she won't be making again. She swore no matter how little and unimportant it may seem, she will not let it slide. It always starts with yelling. "Just go back to your bed. Your pale as hell."

"Would you stop telling me what to do," she says stubbornly going into the hallway. She knows she could just listen and move one, but if she gives him an inch he will certainly take a mile.

"Myers," he groans following her, "the doctor I just talked to also said the best thing you can do is rest."

She ignores him continuing to the stairs.

"Myers!" Lucas yells.

"What?" Samantha spins around, "I am the one risking my life for this. I don't need your accusations when I am trying my best. It's because of people like you that people like me don't have a shot. You say I don't care about my baby's safety and suddenly to the whole world, I don't care. All because you said it."

Lucas rubs his temples, "I shouldn't have said that, but by being careless your going to hurt yourself."

"Because I don't care right?"

"Oh my god!" he exclaims, "stop being so goddamned stubborn and go back into the room!" he lifts a hand. Samantha jerks back, closing her eyes. When the hit doesn't come she opens them and realizes he only is pointing into the room.

"I'll, uh, I'll go now," she says, her face red with embarrassment.

"Wait," Lucas lowers his arm, "did you think I was going to hit you?"

"It was a natural reflex."

Lucas' forehead creases into tight lines, "I wasn't going to hit you. I will never touch you in such a way."

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