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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉* * *

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December 1977

Seeing her brother and her friends again and leaving them behind once more was terribly hard for Juliet. It took everything in her to not barge in and embrace her brother and boyfriend.

But she couldn't stay. Not until she found it and destroyed it. Not until she had completed her parent's unfinished business.

Though she needed more ingredients for the multiple Potions she was brewing. Potions she hoped would destroy the specific object she had been looking for. She knew she could not just smash it with a rock, since dark magic was involved.

And so, Juliet Potter went to Diagon Alley, hiding herself with her cloak, having used all of her Polyjuice Potion already.

Diagon Alley used to be such a lively place, it was never quiet. Children ran around, and people always had business there. But now it was so terribly quiet.

Apothecary, located at North Side, was a store with a truly horrible smell. The consistency of which brought a familiar feeling to Juliet who couldn't help but smile when she looked around the empty shop.

Juliet used to go there with her father, while James would force their mother to go and see the new brooms at Broomstix. The nostalgia hit hard as she shook her head to forget about it, quickly collecting all of the things she needed, paying and exiting.

Putting the many ingredients in her bag on which she had placed an extension charm, she walked down the streets of Diagon Alley, watching the shops she passed by, noticing how some of them had closed down, others had their windows smashed, looked like they had been robbed but nobody cared enough.

The effects of a war that was semi-silent were starting to be felt as the uncommon silent turned into an eery one.

As she had stopped in front of Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, she noticed something from the corner of her eyes.

Turning her head she saw Walburga Black and Regulus in Knockturn Alley, entering Borgin and Burkes. The brunette girl looked around before hurriedly walking forward, hiding behind the wall near the store.

She saw them exit barely moments later, Walburga holding a vase.

"This one would make a decent replacement for the one that vile thing broke." She handed the vase to Regulus who took it, sighing.

But as he took the vase, Juliet saw something she wish she hadn't. Something that was on his left arm. It couldn't be, she barely saw it, she must have made a mistake.

"Mother, his name is Kreacher." Regulus stated, his voice calm but his eyes holding resentment.

"Not important. The only thing important is what he is currently doing. I certainly wish he hadn't offended the Dark Lord in any way."

Juliet's heart dropped.

"What do you mean? You said you sent him to do errands." Regulus stopped walking, frowning.

Walburga quickly glanced around, causing Juliet to hide completely for a few seconds, before peeking out once more when it was safe.

"Kreacher is helping him with a very important mission. They will be back soon, so let's go."

Regulus seemed reluctant but he still followed his mother. Stopping for a second before turning at the corner. To Juliet's surprise he looked back and his eyes fell on her.

She did not have the time to hide so she simply stared back with her mouth agape, watching his eyes widen before he quickly left.

Juliet came out of her hiding place, deciding it was definitely time for her to make her way back to her temporary home, before anyone else was to spot her. Anyone who wasn't a friend willing to keep their mouth shut.

Once back at her place in London, realization hit her that if Voldemort was staying at the House of Black, she was doomed.

She could no longer stay there, it wouldn't take too long for him to learn that she's barely two blocks away, and he would kill her and all her efforts so far would have been for nothing.

She needed to get out of there, and she was in desperate need for an ally, something that seemed to be a bit more rare everyday.

After clearing out the place, having gathered all of her belongings and half-brewed Potions in a small bag, she walked out.

The sun was setting, and the London streets were busier than ever. That did not ease Juliet's nerves, as she was feeling more paranoid than ever, looking behind her every few seconds as though she was a criminal on the run who just had been spotted by an Auror.

After few minutes of walking aimlessly in the streets, she started processing how ridiculous she must have looked. She could not blame the weird looks she's been getting for some people she passed, the few aware of their surroundings who weren't engrossed in their own thoughts and lives.

Yet her suspicions and sixth sense were definitely on point as a hand suddenly grabbed her and pulled her in a dark and narrow alley.

Scared and panicking, she attempted to fight her way out, but stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice.

"Juliet. Juliet, calm down, it's me. It's me." He whispered, stepping forwards to let the light of the nearby lamp post illuminate his figure enough for her to cease frantically fighting back.


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I've had a shitty week and weekend but I promised this in the discord server

THE LOST AND THE FOUND // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now