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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉* * *

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September 1978

The South America group returned. Similar to the South Asia group, they had first stopped by Castelobruxo, a wizarding school in the centre of Brazil, before they travelled to different locations on the continent without finding anything.

Peter was happy to be reunited with his friends, Molly was relieved to see her brothers safe and sound, and Daphne was delighted to see that she would not have to raise a child on her own.

Amos couldn't believe his eyes when he saw how much the pregnant belly had grown. He was so quick to ask a multitude of questions and try to see if the baby would kick for him, Daphne almost smacked him in the head for not letting her answer him.

As happy they were to have been reunited with their friends and families, they could see that it was getting a bit crowded in the Burrow.

"We shouldn't stay."

"But you're welcome here!" Molly protested against Juliet's suggestion when they were all around the dinner table.

Juliet smiled softly. "I know, Molly. We can't thank you enough for everything, but we're overstaying our welcome."

"You know that's not true. You've been a great help around the house and with the kids."

"Juliet is right. The more we all stay in a single place, the more chances we have of getting attacked." Regulus sighed.

"Dumbledore instructed us to stay together until all of us have returned." Arthur told them.

"Yeah? Well, Marlene and Emeline Vance are already all back with their families, and I don't know about you, but I don't see Frank or Dorcas around?"

"Frank and Dorcas are looking for Alice." Peter informed.

"My point is, if they left and haven't been reprimanded, why can't we? Molly, there's like fifteen of us right now in one house."

Molly was silent for a bit. "Maybe it is getting a bit crowded."

"Well. My family house is not so far away. So, if Dumbledore insisted we're meant to stay in one place.. It doesn't mean we have to all be in the same house?" Amos suggested.

It's true. Diggorys, Lovegoods, and Weasleys were pretty much neighbours. Plus, Amos' family had been in France since the war started. They insisted him and Daphne go with them, but they wanted to fight with their friends.

"That could work." Juliet nodded. "We could split half of us there, the other half here. That way, we're still in proximity to each other if needed."

"Fine." Molly agreed.


In the end, the group of friends were the ones to leave. The Prewett twins, along with Peter and Lily, would be staying with the Weasleys while the Potter twins, the Black brothers, Amos, and Daphne headed for the Diggorys.

Though there were three rooms and six of them. They did not debate much, but it was a bit awkward. Daphne originally suggested for the pairs of siblings to be roommates, and the couple would stay together, but Regulus and Sirius both seemed uncomfortable.

"Stop being sissies, consider this your bonding time." Juliet groaned.

"I haven't said anything!" Sirius exclaimed.


"Okay, we know it's awkward for you guys. Maybe we can switch it up. Juliet can go with Daphne, Reg with Amos, and I go with Sirius." James suggested.

"Daphne is eight months pregnant. Let Amos catch up with her. He deserves to be around her and his kid a bit more." Juliet protested.

"Okay, then what?"

"What do you mean what? Why are we still debating this?" Juliet pinched the bridge of her nose before turning to the brothers. "You two were born and raised in the same household, take this time to try and get along, don't act like babies because you have to share a room. If you're unhappy, take the couch."

Juliet did not just want the boys to make peace with each other. She also felt weird about being roommates with either of them. She would definitely murder Sirius before the night was over.

With the boys pouting as though they had been scolded at by their mother, everyone headed to bed.


"Juliet." James whispered.

"I should have gone with Daphne." The twin girl sighed. "What?"

He ignored her comment. "I can't sleep."

"That's your problem." She turned so her back would be facing him.

"Come on, talk with me." James whined, tugging at the hem of her shirt.

"I don't have anything to say, James, just count the goddamn sheeps and sleep."

"What sheep?"

Juliet deadpanned at the stupidity of her brother. But, she thought he had gotten the hint once he had gone silent. She should have known better, though. The silence was never meant to last.

"We haven't shared a room since we were ten."

It's true, Euphemia and Fleamont thought it'd be better to prepare their kids to be separated before they were to start at Hogwarts so they would not live it too badly. Did not work out the way they planned. The twins would cry and sneak into each other's rooms. They couldn't do that at Hogwarts anymore. Well, Juliet could, and she did until she felt like she was interrupting them.

"And we haven't shared a bed since we were two. What's your point?" She raised an eyebrow at him, though it was useless since it was dark.

"No points, just missed it." She saw movement and guessed he had shrugged. "It's been a while, but I feel like I'm nine again."

"Well, one thing hasn't changed. You're still a cheesy idiot." She teased.

"Sod off."

Juliet laughed. "I love you, too." She paused. "And, I missed it too."

"See, we're not so bad, aye?"

"Yeah, just think about how much cursing in French is going on in the room next door."

"I kind of want to know what's being said."

"James. We are not spying on Sirius and Regulus."

"Come on!"

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this is your reminder not to spoil the stories when you're rereading (no ofir I'm not talking about you this time)

also, currently in love with evan buckley xx

THE LOST AND THE FOUND // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now