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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉* * *

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TW: Death

December, the 1st, 1979

Night had long fallen. Juliet didn't know how long her twin and herself were gone, nor how many had already fallen dead before the sun rose again.

She felt her ears deafen a bit, and her physical and mental presence vanish slowly, as though she was fainting in slow-motion just by hearing yells and agonizing screams.

She regained her senses quickly, recalling that her boyfriend and best friends were there. Panicking, she was about to run off, when James strongly held onto her arm.

She thought he stopped her to say something cheesy, like he always did. It was so like James, to act like an idiot, but a tender-hearted idiot above anything.

But that night, she saw something in his eyes that she had rarely seen. Pure hatred mixed to horror. And he wasn't looking at her.

Following his eyes, her own fell on a sight that shocked her to the core, despite knowing it was coming.

Far up, in the open space of the Astronomy Tower, they could see -despite James Potter's poor eyesight- Albus Dumbledore, his back facing the fascinating sight that one could have from the Tower, and peacefully staring at Severus Snape, pointing his wand straight at him.

It was so disturbingly silent when the flash hit the old Professor's body, allowing him to fall to his death.

The twins were holding onto each other's hand, unable to take their eyes off the horrible sight of the blood and parts that had splattered around due to the mortal fall.

Closing her eyes for a moment, just to regain the strength for the rest without letting that image to haunt her forever, Juliet reopened her eyes, staring up at the Astronomy Tower, where Severus Snape stared back at them, as defeated as they were.

Though James Potter could only see red, allowing his rage to blind him, he let go of his sister, turning on his heels and making his way inside the castle with a steady step, despite the numerous duels happening around him.

Juliet hesitated, staring between the slowly disappearing figure of her brother, and the old man laying dead on the cold ground. She muttered curses under her death, recalling that Dobby had also been standing by their side.

She instructed him to go and come back very quickly with a white drape and Madam Pomfrey. He obeyed, and was back within seconds.

The matron was scolding the house elf until her eyes fell on the dead Headmaster behind Juliet Potter and she fell quiet.

"Juliet-" The matron muttered.

Juliet thought it may have been the first time she heard her say her name. Or was it? She couldn't think clearly at that moment.

"There is no time, Poppy." Juliet sighed, grabbing the drape from Dobby and covering Dumbledore with it, not before taking something. "Do not allow anyone near his body. He warned me it was going to happen."

"Dumbledore? But-"

"I must go, I'm sorry, please take care of it." She pleaded before ranning in.

She ran fast, hoping to get to the Astronomy Tower before James had the time to push Severus off. Explosions and spells all around almost slowed her steady pace but she wouldn't stop even if she was attacked.

Not that she desperately wanted to protect Severus, but she must stop James from committing a mistake he would regret.

The long circular steps that led to the Tower had Juliet panting for some air, her legs almost gave out, but she still, she only stopped when she physically stood between James and Snape.

Her brother had his wand raised and pointing at the Death-Eater, his eyes wide in disbelief at the sight that he had witnessed moments ago. He never thought Severus would ever murder anyone, despite hating him ever since they met.

James stared into the matching blue eyes of his sister. "What are you doing?"

"Hold on." Juliet panted, bending down a bit. "Let me catch my breath."

"Get out of the way!" He yelled.

Juliet gasped, finally having enough air in her lungs. "Listen-"

"Why are you protecting him?" He stared at his sister in horror, as if almost wondering of she saw the same thing he did.

"Yes, why exactly?" Severus added from behind her, as confused as James.

"You shut up." Juliet sent him a glare from above her shoulder. "Just returning the favor."

"This can't be about the house on fire." James let a chuckle out in disbelief. "Juliet! He killed a man! Just forget about him saving him for a second, this isn't about you!"

Juliet rolled her eyes at his dramatic speech, and something told her that Severus probably did the same behind her.

"Just listen to me, you muppet. Dumbledore told me this was going to happen. It's a plan he put up so that he could die less painfully, and let the Elder Wand die with him." She explained.

James watched them doubtfully. But he knew his sister wouldn't lie to him, so he lowered his wand.

"He told you?" Severus asked Juliet, and she nodded in response. "Good. Did he tell you what happens next? Because I am oblivious to it."

"No. But I have a plan." She took the Elder Wand out of her pocket and showed it with a smirk.

"And what exactly is that plan of yours, that you had me leave with you at the very beginning of the battle?" James questioned impatiently.

"That is for me to worry about, brother." She teased his curiosity.

Before he could complain further, she turned to Severus. "Go back to Voldemort. Tell him that you murdered Dumbledore to prove your loyalty to him, unlike the useless other followers of his. That may buy us some time until we manage to separate the snake from him."

"You know she's his Horcrux?" Severus raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Obviously." She blankly responded. "Who do you take me for?"


"Just get going."

A whooshing sound echoed in the Tower, as Severus disappeared in the night, having taking a batlike ghostly form that deeply resembled that of other Death Eaters. Was that it? She hadn't seen one so close, she didn't know.

The twins looked at each other again.

"You're welcome." Juliet taunted.

"Shut up, how was I supposed to know?"

"You weren't, that's why you're welcome." She smirked, hugging him.

James was very pleased suddenly, Juliet barely willingly hugged him, she was never much physically affective so he would take anything he could.

"Be careful, JP. I can't feel you die." He told her.

"I should be telling you that, you reckless moron." She chuckled sadly against him.

"Me? Reckless? You're one to talk." He stopped muttering under his breath when she hit his back.

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so many of yall are gonna be happy lol

THE LOST AND THE FOUND // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now