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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉* * *

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April 1979

"Moony, get ready. We need to go." James barged into the couple's room as they were having a peaceful moment.

Juliet and Remus' hands were both on her bump. They were trying to feel the baby kicking. It had started moving when she reached 17 weeks, but never kicked much since, but it had gotten more frequent as of late.

"What's going on?" Juliet sat up, ready to get up and go with them.

"No, Jules, not you."

For a second, Juliet felt like she was twelve again. Except, now she was a nineteen year old pregnant young woman with a temper.

"The fuck you mean not me? What in the bloody hell is going on?"

"I just got word that Mary has reappeared, and the town she's in is under attack by Death Eaters. We need to go and help." James blurted out quickly as Remus hurriedly got ready. "Stay here, stay safe."

"You're all going?" She asked, worried.

What she did not need was all the important people in her life randomly dying.

"We'll be careful." Remus reassured, kissing her temple and caressing her bump before rushing out the door with James.

It was a few seconds later that Juliet heard the front door slam close. She sighed, still sat on the bed, and looked down at her bump.

"You're a pain in the arse sometimes, you know?" She spoke to the growing baby, and in response, it kicked. "Sassy. Just like your dad."

It felt weird sometimes to refer to Remus as the baby's dad. Actually, everything about the pregnancy was weird. Juliet was going to be a mum, and Remus was going to be a dad. How bizarre.

She went to lay back down since she was feeling under the weather that day, but an evil cackling coming from outside the house had her freeze in spot.

Now, that cackling was something she had heard before.

Her heart dropped to her stomach, and immediately, she felt like throwing up. Teary-eyed, she discreetly approached the window, peeking out to see Death Eaters appearing in front of the house, amongst them, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Juliet was all for revenge. Had she not been pregnant, she would have changed into her Animagus form and kicked the hell out of the slag until she was six feet under, and she wouldn't even need a wand.

But Juliet was pregnant and apparently still experiencing PTSD as her entire body started to shake, and she fell to her knees in distress.

Her breathing got irregular, and she started to panic as she could hear them converse. Up until she heard Bellatrix's impatiently groan, followed by a loud boom.

They were inside. Bellatrix had exploded their door, and they were inside.

It was going to be just a matter of time before they found her and killed her and her baby. Juliet cursed every single resident of the house, including herself, for not thinking to put protective barriers around the house. If they still had the Horcrux, they would have put a hundred of those, but now that they didn't have it, they were stupid enough to leave it be.

As she could hear movements, she acted quickly. Hurriedly grabbing her wand, she muttered under her breath. "Accio Cloak!"

Thank fucking Godric she didn't let Dumbledore know about it, or he would have taken it and she would be dead.

She spoke too soon.

The second the cloak got in her hand, a figure appeared by the door and just froze.

Juliet raised her wand, her heart racing. But there's a reason they tell that no pressure should be put on pregnant women. The anxiety and fear of the situation were causing her an ache worse than her first trimester, and she grabbed onto her bump, painfully, but protectively.

Because of that, it took her a hot second to realize that the person standing by the door was no other than Severus Snape, and that still, he had not made a sound or move.

He had been looking between her and her bump, and as if snapping out of his thoughts, he signalled to her to keep quiet. "Hide." He mouthed at her.

Juliet did not need to be asked twice. If he wasn't going to attack her, she wasn't going to waste time and threw the cloak over herself.

Why was Severus Snape helping her?

"SNAPE! HAVE YOU FOUND HER?!" Juliet  heard someone yell from the staircase.

"No, she must have left with them!" He called back to them.

Juliet could hear chaos coming from downstairs. She knew Bellatrix was destroying everything on sight. She needed to get out of the house before she had it explode with her inside.

Severus looked back into the room hesitantly before he left. Well, of course he couldn't see her but he hoped she had left already.

She hadn't, Juliet was silently following Severus downstairs, matching each of his steps so no sound out of place would attract their attention. Tiptoeing around the mess and the Death Eaters, Juliet silently left the house, running away, making sure the cloak kept her hidden the entire time.

The young woman only looked back once she was far enough from danger, just to see Bellatrix putting everything on fire in a fit of rage.

She waited until they all vanished, disapparating one by one, before raising her wand again, using the same spell as earlier to summon her brother's broom and Remus' camera. Getting on the broom, she flew away, mindlessly flying in the direction of the only place she always felt safe.

Tonks' house.

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drama bc why not

im literally so happy to have introduced the 2nd officially gay couple of my story fr

THE LOST AND THE FOUND // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now