Avneet POV

You all must be thinking that if I have so many followers what is my problem then I should be happy with this.

Yes I know I should be happy but I am not, because even become this famous star, at every single situation of my life I have to compromise with my own choices.

Now it is first about my fan, then I have to take care of the brands I work for.

I am fashion influencer of so many brands, I can submit and go with my choice there, but my followers won't support it so I have to change my choices according to fans.

Because in this industry your true followers will change their mind within the one decision of yours.

Sometime I feel to leave everything and start a life like a normal girl, but the limelight won't leave me now.

Even I am not able to explain my perception and the way I look my life to anyone even my family.

My family also think, that if I have to grow in this industry I have to adjust a bit. But who knows I changed myself completely.

A cute, bubbly, simple girl turn into a sexy stuff of entertainment to everyone, and it get worst when you get offer to wear some revealing dress for the choice of your fans.

Because when you post your pic with revealing outfits it get so much likes, comments, reach everything.

But when you compromise and even give whatever your fan wishes for, some of them whom even zoomed the picture twice, comment in comment section that i should take care of Indian culture.

I can't believe on this double face world  they want me to get into those outfits, I get less support if I follow my cultural dresses, but later the point on me that I am not following my culture.

Such a nonsense, and I seriously have no time to sit and think all this, so now I just decided that I will do everything whatever I can.

But it's a fact that Beauty is a Curse. Atleast for me.

Stay tuned

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