
Avneet get time for herself by the way as Anushka was suggesting her to spend these days she is not ready to do that.

Because Avneet want to live life of a normal girl for some days, she want to wake up late, she want to sleep late.

By the way she have a very good schedule early to bed early to rise type.

But sometime breaking of rules make you happy every time you can't be a disciplined person in front of every single person in your life, sometime you want some days.

When you can behave messy, you can do everything carefree.

And she want to become careless for some days.

But the problem is that being celebrity Avneet Kaur Nandra is not easy.

It is right that she is ruling millions of heart but because of this celebrity face can't go for a walk without any care of getting caught by any camera.

Even media channels and cameras follow her in every single personal matter as well.

Sometime to get irritated from this too, but it is there responsibility and duty what they are doing they just provide the best information to their viewers about their favorite celebrity.

So actual thing is Avneet want a break from being Avneet kaur nandra.

And for that she have an idea in her mind.

She thought that why make up just make you look beautiful maybe it can help her to look an average girl too.

And if she didn't look like Avneet Kaur Nandra there is no problem to go out anywhere.

So our beautiful actress is going to make a pure mess with her beautiful face now.

Do you believe it, she is the most beautiful girl of this country and she want to look like the one who didn't get noticed by anyone around her.

But she wants it.

So she starts make up for that.

Stay tuned.

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