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His mother knocks the door, which interrupted their conversation and Siddharth had to go now.

Siddharth : Avni, mumma is calling me, I have to go. And please try your best and inform me.

Avneet : okay.

Siddharth : bye, love you.

Avneet : love you more baby ❤❤.

Siddharth disconnected the call and came out from his room.

His mother : come on, your nanu wants to meet you.

Siddharth : yeah mom, coming.

His mother : you must be talking to Avneet? (Teasingly)

Siddharth : uhm.. We were discussing something!! Actually....

His mother : I am not asking you anything in detail my dear son, she is your future wife.

Siddharth : mumma, may I ask you something?

His mother : do you need permission now?

Siddharth : sorry, I was asking... That why I can't meet Avneet after engagement, I mean I should have all the rights on her after engagement.

His mother hits his head playfully.

His mother : just because of your these rights, we have to stop you my child. (More teasingly)

Siddharth : mom. (Shyly 😳😳😳)

His mother : now leave all this and follow the rituals heartily and happily after a month, she will be yours only.

Siddharth : but mom, how will I spend a month?

His mother : Siddharth, don't act like this in front of your grandparents. Okay?

Siddharth : yes yes, I know.

His mother brings him with her but whole day, Siddharth kept thinking about how he can meet Avneet before ring ceremony.

Because, he didn't want to disrespect the ritual of not meeting his bride till marriage after engagement.

So, he wanna meet her before that.

Siddharth call Avneet and asked if she talked to Anushka to help them.

But, Avneet told Siddharth that Anushka denied to let them meet without his family's permission.

Which is impossible.

Stay tuned.

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