Chapter 2 - The Savior

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     Cold claws touched her skin and worked towards her lips. Slightly lifting them up to reveal two large fangs that were slowly developing. 

      Then the claws made their way to her eyes. They were half-lidded but her (e/c) irises were slowly losing pigment and gaining a milky look that fascinated them. Everything about her was fascinating. 

     Her body jerked as she coughed up the black blood that was circulating throughout her body, making its changes as it went. Some of the blood seeped through her lips and when the claws touched it, the blood started to burn. 

      And so did their heart.

      (Y/N) was startled awake from her sleep. Sweat graced her forehead and chest but the memory of the dream had vanished. But it left her feeling tense. 

     She was laying on her stomach on top of some large wooden crate which wasn't comfortable and the heat from a fire gave some warmth to her skin that felt cold as ice. The sound of water, seagulls, and the kindling from the fire relaxed her a bit but when she tried to lift herself up, a sharp pain from her side made her hiss in pain.

      She managed to turn on her side and weakly lift her shirt to see bandages wrapping up her wound. Wasn't just that but also a bandage on her head that was covered with a bandana to keep it secure. 

     Her body protested against her moving but she needed to. What if they found her again? She can't let them catch her. Using an arm to lift herself up and moving her legs to help her to her feet, she was too weak to support herself for long. She gasped when her arm slipped and she went tumbling over the crate. She braced for the landing but suddenly her body was caught in midair. 

      She was floating? She wasn't being held up by wires or anything! She was floating!

      Slowly her body ascended back up to the crate and was carefully placed back down onto it. She was rested on her back this time as she craned her neck up to meet the upside-down red eyes of the demon that saved her. This time with his face now exposed. He had light skin that was slightly tanned from the sun, two small black horns on his that were covered by his long blond hair that was freely flowing around him. He was tall and a bit slim but his whole appearance could be mistaken as human if it weren't for the horns, eyes, and tail.

      His eyes moved away from hers as he walked past her form and towards a smaller crate near the fire that had a rucksack laying next to it. "If I were you, I wouldn't try moving. You'll reopen the wound."

      (Y/N) went to speak but stopped, carefully touching her injured side. He patched her up?

"Don't even know how you're still alive. It's a miracle you even made it this far." He muttered as he bent down to open up the rucksack and retrieved a notebook from inside. A rather withered but still usable one.

"Are we-" She turned to look behind her and see a small tree line but some buildings as well nearby. The fading sunset was making the area darker around them. "Did they follow us..?"

"As far as I'm aware, no." He answered while jotting down something in the notebook with a pen he also pulled out.

      (Y/N) was able to pull herself to a sitting position. Upon doing so, she saw just ahead of her a large lake that traveled far into the horizon. She could see trees and some smaller buildings across the lake and a couple of boats quietly floating in the water. Some were slightly damaged while others were completely flipped over or capsized. She didn't recognize this lake. Or even anywhere she's been in the last hours. Her community was situated deep in a forest in the middle of a clearing that no one, not even demons came to. How did she end up near a lake? How long has she been running..?

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