Chapter 16 - The Shot

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Violence Warning ⚠️

"There's the lake!" (Y/N) called after turning a corner.

    The body of water was only a couple of blocks away. But they were on track and Yama said he'll know the area better once they get to it.

    It was the next day but super early into the morning. Yama had decided to make camp in a random building a few hours after their surprise demon encounters. If there was more around, then he wanted to make sure they wouldn't run into anymore. She was left to her lonesome for little under an hour before he came back and deduced that they should be fine. Only small critter demons were around.

      Being alone for that time did have her on edge. Every little creak and rustle of the wind would make her jumpy. Yama ensured her that she'll be fine in the small post office that was their temporary hideout and she did her best to believe him.

      Relief had washed over her once he had returned without any trouble. It made her realize how dependent she was on him during that short time...

      Back to the present, her eyes fell onto his back while they walked. Watching the fabric move along with his movements.

      If they were to ever get separated, what would she do..?

      She knows how to hunt and thanks to Yama, she's learned a bit about scavenging for useful stuff too. But when it comes to trying to survive in a demon's world, there's not a lot that she knows.

       All she knows how to do is run and hide. She was never taught how to fight or defend herself from demons when she was a human, and her anger-induced adrenaline was just her new demon instincts coming out. Without that she was defenseless. An easy target.

      When Yama fights, he does it with a clear head. He doesn't get those urges to kill and slaughter attackers like her. But he has been a demon for three centuries now. If anybody knew how to navigate this world it was him.

'Three centuries...' She narrowed her eyes. 'He's 337.'

      Now thinking about his age, she started doing the math. She wasn't the most educated but some human communities have been keeping track of the years that she knows the apocalypse happened three centuries ago too. And he's over three centuries old.

      Maybe she could be wrong. She doesn't even know what year the apocalypse even was. But he must have been one of the first demons. A sudden urge of curiosity and need to ask him came about. She went to get closer to him but noticed that he had stopped and started to look around. Immediately she hushed up and looked around too.

      After a minute of both observing their surroundings, Yama finally broke the silence. "Keep your eyes open."

"Elitists?" Was her first thought.

"Could be. Or just more stragglers." He kept his voice low but started walking again. Maybe she'll ask him later.

      The hunting rifle was still sitting in her duffel. Fully loaded and waiting to be used. But it was for emergencies only which her partner was very specific on. Even for moments like these.

'Guess Yama doesn't count getting suddenly attacked as an emergency.' It gave her some comfort knowing the gun was there though.

      They continued their silent walking as they traveled down the several blocks leading to the lake ahead. The male demon kept his sights on the left side of the street while the girl watched the other. Her worries were only growing stronger the more the seconds passed. She went to focus ahead but started to see Yama reach for his kitchen knife strapped to his pants. He was moving in a way to be inconspicuous but he wouldn't be reaching for it if he didn't have to.

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