Chapter 22 - The Stunt

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Violence Warning ⚠️

    (Y/N) clutched the book to her chest as she felt her partner lay into the bed next to her and exhale a deep breath as he relaxed.

    Her 'partner'...

    Now it sounded weird to call him that now.

    She had her back to him and didn't move much, pretending she was asleep when really she was wide awake.

    She couldn't sleep after that! How could she sleep after that?! All she could think about was him kissing her hand and her kissing his cheek in return.

'I like him... Oh god, I like him!?' Her mind raced.

"Reminds me of how me and my wife were. We were just 'partners' at first."

    The words of Marsol suddenly filled her mind and she cursed the old demon.

    She can't like him. Especially now. What if something happened and she loses him? She already lost so much and the pain from it still hurts her.

'It's just a crush.' She reassured herself and closed her eyes. 'It'll go away...'

    Just a simple crush. Nothing more. Nothing to get worked up over. Once the morning comes they'll both forget anything even happened and go back to how they normally are. Him finding her annoying and her thinking he's just a grumpy man.

    (Y/N) finally relaxed into the bed and felt herself begin to fall asleep. She can hear Yama already lightly snoring next to her.

    They'll forget that moment even happened. They had to.

    But once morning came and they both prepared to head out there to find the Zone, neither of them uttered a word to the other. Yama kept avoiding her eyes while she kept some distance between them. For the first time since they met, the silence between them felt awkward. Unbearably awkward. They've always been able to comfortably be in the other's company without having to engage in a conversation or interact much. But now it felt like they had to. Like they had to say something to the other but neither of them made a move to do so.

    Attempting to forget what happened yesterday was harder than she thought.

    (Y/N) threw her duffel bag over her shoulder with her rifle and ammo box situated inside. She followed behind Yama to the hidden entrance and stepped over the trip wire. He said the small trip to find the Zone shouldn't take to long but she thought to bring the bag just in case she found anything while they were out.

    Their walk together through the rocky path was filled by the sound of their boots hitting the rough ground.

    (Y/N) lifted her hand up closer and ran her thumb over her knuckles he had kissed.

'It's just a crush (Y/N), get over it.' She told herself but she couldn't help the small smile that crept over her face.

    When they reached the hatch to the shop, Yama reached up to push it open and pulled himself up. (Y/N) went to do the same once he was through but she felt her body levitate off the ground and lift up into the shop. She was placed in front of Yama and met his eyes that lingered on hers for a few seconds before he turned away to head for the front door.

    She pushed the sudden thoughts she got away and turned to close the hatch with a faint blush on her face.

     What Yama meant by searching for the Zone, he mainly just wanted to make sure they were nowhere near his home. He didn't care where they went as long as they weren't in the general vicinity. The last thing he needed was for them to invade his place and suddenly his secret home wont be so secret anymore. Together they began traversing the streets in the direction the Zone had gone in. They passed by the dead demons on the streets that were taken out and it sort of gave them a trail to follow. With so many of the stragglers gone, they didn't have to hide much.

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